Thursday, November 25, 2010

KLIA very naughty

Ha!Ha! Today got blog as got free WIFI access at Hilton hotel. Left Singapore at 4.15 pm and arrived in hotel only at 8 pm. The monorail in KL stopped service - it is under maintenance. Then walk walk walk to bus pick up point and then customs all jammed. Switch lanes and got worse. By the time got out the carousel stopped spinning and had to hunt for the books. Then the KLIA express wait very long then move. Aiyah thought very bad evening. Then Hilton came to the rescue. Upgraded me to 34 floor executive. Wow big room with working desk. Then free whole day access to lounge. As before 8.30 went to Lounge for free drinks and titbits. This tupe of titbits, including sushi, no need dinner. Then wide screen TV and sit down shower. At night sleep see panoramic view of lighted up KL. And now morning, sumptious breakfast. But today is hard work and then enjoy Hotel again. But did not bring swimming trunks. Laptop not bad - can access WIFI quite easily.
Have a Great Day! Sigh hope no traffic jam in KL this morning.

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