Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chai Png Neung Bao

Ha!Ha! Startled the Chai Png Man with a big order of TWO packets. That was because of Ironing night. Lee came over and gave hints of deep sea fishing as she ironed. Always be ready for the size of fish. Her friend caught a whopper and both rod and person were pulled into the water. An expensive experience as the $500 rod went a missing! Wear gloves when line finishing as sudden fish pull can laserate the fingers, if not slice it off. Look out for hooks - there was a man who had five small bait hooks embedded on his fingers. Wah... so much to worry about man!
One of the benefits of going to Mount E for the scope was the discovery of a Pan Ayam Penyet shop in Lucky Plaza... Ha!Ha! All kinds of penyet on sale man! Local news.. three man have been arrested over the senseless murder at Downtown East and will be charged with murder. The indianboyfriend thought gang fights, staring and use of parangs were things of the past. Perth news.. there is a murder of a 48 year old man in Langford.. wonder if it is the same Langford where Lta Ennoying stays. But with Pirate keeping AN eye on the house, which fool would dare to venture near! Ha!Ha!  Also a teenager girl was bitten by a shark while dolphin swimming. Overseas news, Oh Ma!Ma! the Repbublicans are back. Poor Obama is now in shock as the house of Representatives are now taken back by theRepublicans. The Senate line is also thin but Democrats are the majority there.
Tomorrow is the indianboyfriend's holiday.. Deepavali. Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend worked a three day week this week. Crunch, crunch.. Aussie muffins are running out. This morning this the second last one! Happy late night shopping and have a great weekend. No blog until Monday!

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