Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Ordeal is over (hmm..that so?)

Ha!Ha! That is how our Movember Champ will look like in a couple of months time. Sarge Wen is running out of shaving blades and decided to put in a good cause for prostate sickness. And this is done by keeping a facial hairy - the reverse of cancer where the hair is shaved. You can help by making a small donation on line at And now the true account of Colonoscopy revealed at last! Alamak when wheeled into the theatre just like Media Corp Chinese drama but this time on the bed seeing the ceiling as the bed glides pass. Well the hard part is drinking the two bottles of 45 ml fluid the night before. It tastes like concentrated sea water and you feel like puking. And Puking you will do on the reverse end of your body in the night. About every two hours. And it is not bang sai but lau sai type with  watery liquid all the time. When the liquid turns white you are about cleaned. But very embarrassing when at the clinic at 8 am still have to do one last discharge.  Once you are in the theatre, the doctor gives you an injection and you are konk out! The next moment you are out and some one wakes you and offer you sandwiches and orange juice! That was the best thing as you are weak from no food and dehydration. And the reward - one day MC!
Look at the pics of the small and large intestines  - very clean- cleaner than the HDB monthly corridor wash.
Gruelsome isn't it. The biggest horror in the procedure was when the indianboyfriend change back the clothes and found his mobile missing. Panicked he ran out to the lounge to check but no phone. Alamak die already as phone is company. So went back and put on shoes. Praise the Lord, the phone is inside one of the shoe. It has fallen off the pocket and into the shoe!
Talking about prostate, the next test in the afternoon as the ultrasound of the prostate. This hurts. The equipment is inserted up the rectum, ouch!, and then twirl around to take snapshots... You would never want to go through this again. Any way it is done but results will be know later. Praise the Lord the indianboyfriend passed the Scoopy Doop with flying colours. See you in five years time says the good Doctor!
Local news.. the teen who was slashed at Downtown East was unfortunate as he was the only one who had the sliding door closed on him when the gang was fleeing. 4 suspects have been caught and will be charged with first degree murder. In Perth there is an unfortunate case of an Artist who feel into his bakyard pool and drowned. And in Busselton, there is a 98 year old man who still works at the newstand. Imaging at 80, he was contemplating whether to retire or not!
Back at Media corp the Score ( Wu Guo Hua) is falling in place along what maybakuteh suspected. Anna was the unfaithful one but not so much unfaithful as forced to conceive to save her son from Luekemia. Anyway everyone dies or in hospital. Tianlan's mother died in hospital, Anna's husband tried to run down Mark but was injured and in a critical condition in hospital. Anna's son when he realised Tianlan was the sister, swam out to sea and killed himself. So the end must be near as soon there will be no more characters left!
The indianboyfriend is curious about the Junior Masterchef. Is Sophia still on top? Anyway got to be content with Chai png now.
Praise the Lord for the successful medical check up. Have a great day!

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