Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cold Breakfast with Jam

Ha!Ha! Woke up and look at the clock - 5.30 pm. Snooze and then woke up and it was 6.30 pm.. Jumped out of bed but met with a Massive traffic jam at CTE... That was the jam for breakfast. The ERP started flashing and it costs the indianboyfriend $2 - more than the fare of the MRT! No time to put bread into the toaster so cold brekkie less $2! What a start today! But confident things will change.
The silly 9 pm serial became more silly and switched to the Rail Travel on Channel 5. Today is Wednesday and it's ironing night again for Lee.
Looks like everything is going well for June in November in Perth! Oh yes more gang parang slashing at Bukit Panjang - 7 teenagers were involved and police believe it is linked to 3 6 9 ( sa la kau) gang. In Perth an eighty over year lady died in her beckerman home for six months before being discovered. A real tragedy as the only  next of kin is mentally retarded son.
It's mid week and continue to live the zest of life!

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