Monday, November 22, 2010

Stylo Milo Sunnies!

Ha!Ha! Didn't know there is a female Woody Wood Pecky but there is the blury picture with the phone camera! I say man, rode the Mummy a second time and still frightened to death... Spent the rest of the day sedately watching the shows in air-con comfort ( feel asleep at every show!). But Unversal very good. give everyone a $5 food and $5 retail voucher. The food at Food Cord is $9.80 and less $5, it is a steal! Can't sat much for the refill container. It costs $19.90 each and every refill is $2/-. Better buy the bottle drinks at $3 each.
The Battele Star Galatica is still not up and the Madagascar boat ride is still work in progress.
Wah look like mafia in Malacca. Wanted to buy the clip on polariod but was offered the cap on glasses ( over the normal glasses) at 50% discount. Melaka has not changed but found the cheapest nyonya restaurant. Ate ayam poteh, sizzling toufu ( did not sizzle much), tou ya, and steaming otak with chendol for desert and the bill for two came up to only $35 ringgit.  The best was breakfast. Tried the famous yong peng noodles and two noodles and tea came to $9 ringgit. But the hotel ( Time Hotel) was a disappointment. Even the lobby is not airconditioned. And the toilet and shower is the same. Once you shower everything got wet. The redeeming feature is that the TV ( not flat screen of course) received Channel 5!
Yishun News.. Scarface family surfaced again. Spotted on in toilet this morning but it scampered away. Then another in the kitchen but it was no escape for the smaller one. The breakfast is depleting fast and ate the last Bak chang this morning. Think the Soon Kuay is next!!! Micro oven 3 minutes best for steaming hot bak chang! Asian games, Singapore now has 4 golds with more from Bowling and sailing. Today is Monday but it will be a short week as the indianboyfriend is off to KL for work on wednesday evening. Not all work actually as there is a weekend ahead in KL. Ha!Ha! Got a big job tonight for Lta Ennoying shaddy deal at Yishun MRT. Better wear the cap on sunglasses to night!
Have a great week!

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