Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Foong Chee! Ha! Ha! She flew in to Singapore at 3 am just to celebrate her birthday in Singapore!
Happy Birthday to a Wonderful Mother and Beloved Wife!

This is probably a FIRST. Cake cutting at 4.00 am!

And to sum it up, here is a sin- get video clip of the birthday celebration!
Heard she had an early pressie from Sarge Wen which she had already opened and used. And there was the Perth treat at Burswood - ha!ha! The first time she went there and did not make any contribution except eat the awesome buffet dinner.
You can post your greetings on this blog!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The True Mountaineer

Lta Ennoying made it to the Top of Mount Kinabalu at 6. 15 am yesterday! Kudos for him as it is no mean feat. This type is achieved through great pain and not just ta ba, ta ba like that!
Yesterday was back to Or fi for the indianboyfriend. And more Ta Ba. He decided to ta ba home and got a comfortable seat. For once you really appreciate Bus lanes!
Tomorrow is Thursday and mybakuteh is scheduled to fly back in the evening.
It has been rainy yesterday.

Tiam Tiam Ta Ba

Mountain climbing can be quite tiresome. Tiam Tiam Ta Ba. Everything in Malaysia No 1 in maintence. First take bus to airport. Then KL airport train under maintenance so transfer to bus. Then take bus to Sentral. Was told ski car under maintenance. So Ta Ba to Ski Car station. At Ski Car, got free bus to mountain top. And this is done the same way back! But cannot complaint- better than Lta Ennoying take No 11 bus for Mountaing Climbing.
Ha!Ha! Went to see Movie Sanctum directed by James Cameron of Avtar and Titanic Fame. A gripping story from start to end. And 3 D some more. Beat All the King's man flat. The take away is the realization that at the extreme adventure, it is the most likely place to lose your life and what a terribly way to die. The 3 D is quite impressive - the corpse floating under water in the caves appears to be floating towards you!
Today is Wednesday and no, it is not another Saturday to the indianboyfriend. He has to go to Or fi...Ha!Ha! and run some errands in town.
Have a great day for sure!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Ha!Ha! Went to church on Sunday and the preacher was a lady. This church seems to have many lady preachers. Anyway, they keep on talking about theis meeting called PUSH. Ha!Ha! Pray until Something Happens! That was pretty good. The Preacher has good content but delivery needs to be improved. She taught from old Testament on Choosing Life!
It was a quiet Sunday/ The pool was crowded for sure on Sunday and collided with a few people. Managed to complete all the powerpoint but needs some refinement for sure.
Today is Monday but funny it is like Saturday to the indianboyfriend. Hmm making you envious all you wage earners! Continue to pray for Lta Ennoying and Kin in KK> Have a great Day!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Always Worship the Lord

Once you turn 50, you develop a habit of reading the newspaper obituary photos more closely. Perhaps you may think you couls spot someone you know. Or is it death is more of a reality now! Like others the Indianboyfriend has been doing this unconsciously. Each day, he always spot some people who leaves us and who are younger than him, It gives the reminder, that he is living on the grace of the Lord. Each day lived is another day of blessing from the Good Lord. This is one of the reasons, we have always got to worship him. The Lord is good and we must not take his mercies for granted. Praise the Lord for another Lor'd Day!
Ha!Ha! Guess what is for breakfast today... Doughnuts. And the indianboyfriend is smart enough to reheat for a few seconds so there will be no rock doughnuts!
My Bakuteh was right. Buy the cool mattress before it is sold out. And the earlier designs were all sold out! So got two of these obang design. Better to be obang than warm, I suppose. And what a weight! Carrying 16 Kg back and lunch is really an overbearing job. Had to practicfally drag the bag back.
Need to buy one more so will do it after church.  By the way they sell cool pillow too! Any takers??
While paying, the Cashier said since I paid more than $10, I am entitled to buy a condiment box for $1.90. Don't know whether it was useful but saw a lots o heart shape so buy it.

If there are sufficient condiment boxers already, surely can find another use for it. To put in foreign coins??? Ha!Ha!
The indianboyfriend was quite productive yesterday and finished more of the powerpoint. Only One third more to be done- hopefully by today.Found out that the SBS Bus 858 starts  operation at 5.15 am. So if you are to catch an early flight say at  7.00 am, you can catch a bus. No double midnight charge!
Thanks to Garmen again.
Today is Sunday, the Lord's Day. Enjoy and Praise the Lord for his grace and mercy!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Provide and Provide - PAP

Ha!Ha! Another Chap Goh Mei Stunt but only this pic is taken last year. The pomelo at home is too big to be eaten by one person so wait till mybakuteh return
Wah Govt really came up with Election Budget. Everyone got something especially the lower income group. First no more TV and radio licence and since the indianboyfriend paid, it will be refunded! Then income tax rebate of up to $2000! And the Growth Divident based on house type and income. Will range of $200 to $800 per household. There is also GST Credits and Utilities rebate. The education subsidy and the bonus for workfare ( low income workers) will not apply to us.
International news... shocked to hear that the cruise boat in Halong sunk at night and 11 people died, including an Australian. Report said they were questioning the safety of the boat the night before when it rocked during dinner!
And what are the trophies back from Melaka? Ha!Ha!
Still 6 for $12.50 - these4 Big Apple Doughnuts. There are only six people on the bus back and four of them bought a pack of 12 dougnuts each! In fact has a chat with the Guide who said the indianboyfriend do not looked retired! Hee!Hee! when the indianboyfriend went to watch another movie yesterday, he quickly asked for senior citizen ( 55 years) to secure the $6 ticket. Imagine his pleasure when the girl said, "You know it's for people below 55!". Guess Mybakuteh hair dye has worked deceptively!

Ha!Ha! Went to Carfour and there was no Giap Heng coffee. No shop and not bicycle rental either. So calculated that Sarge Giap Heng Coffee may not last too long, especially if the unexpected occurs! So bought the Old Town version - one with cane sugar and one classic to try out as they are more accessible!
Well today is Saturday and it will be a working day for the indianboyfriend - at home of course! Lta Ennoying and Kin and friends  is off to KK for mountain climbling. Pray for his enjoyment and safety.
As for Perthians, enjoy the weekend! 4cts carrots at Spudshed???

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Carrots for 4cts a Kio, Melons at 30cts and Unions at $1 per 5 kg....

Happy Chap Gor Mei!
This is the last day of the New Year and have to do the Pomelo Trick again.
This is the place that has replaced Canningvale as the cheapest place to shop for groceries! And it is opened 24 hours a day. It is called Spudshed near Jandakot airport. Reason for being cheap is that it is on Federal territory - land owned by airport. And of course in the background is Wen's recent Deal!

These 30 cts melons are simply delicious! Though it may look small, it can feed four persons
to the brink!
And where has all the people gone on Thursday? There was no queue in during the bus check-in, the canteen with free coffee is deserted and there were only 7 people on the double storey bus to Melaka. Two of them are the driver and the Guide! No queue at customs on both Singapore and Malaysia side. No customers in the Lucky Canteen at Yong Peng. All no people in the Melaka Mall! Feel not very shiok. No one to jostle with, cannot grumble or complaint and get everything without effort!
Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend stayed at this Finnex Inn which promised a great deal at $99 RM nett!
Imagine his shock when he opened the door of the room and there was NO window. Talking about a room with a view. The last time it happened was in Bangkok at the Orchid Inn in Chinatown!
Anyway the room was clean and cool. Managed to see "THe King's Speech", Only two people in the cinema including the indianboyfriend. When he bought the ticket, the man asked him how old he was.
Must be Ba Kua or what. Then he grin.. Senior Citizen discount - only $6 for the ticket!
But the show despite its acclaimation, is a sleeper. The only exciting thing was to learn that King
Edward abdicated to marry the Amerian Mrs Simpson who was twice divorced and was not protrayed as attractive in the movie. It's all about the stammering King...Aiyah if you want to see good shows avoid the academy award winners. Like Inception... touted not to win anything but is really rivetting and compelling.
This hotel also go internet so can surf at the cost of $4 per hour!
Ha!Ha! Lta Ennoying and Kin are heading for KK tomorrow. We pray for a safe and happy trip
and God;s hands to be with them.

cny cake

Ha!Ha! This is the video clip of the Rabbit Year. Who ever heard of greeting the New year with a song and Cake - Sian's choc cake. Well, here it goes!

Back here in Singapore, the weather is holding on with some occasional showers. The indianboyfriend has still got it - wanted to go swimming after brekky but suddenly remembered the pool was closed am every Wednesday!
Conny needs major surgery. The Air Con came and found that it was sending wrong signals so it needed a new PCB. All he could do was to service it. So we have a nice clean looking aircon that does not work until the PCB is replaced. ( Although the other two rooms are okay, problem is once you turn on the main switch, the masterbed room fan starts!).
It was a quiet day at home for the indianboyfriend. Productive though, as he completed one third of ths powerpoint slides!
Today is Thursdays - Late Shopping night! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The right Way to eat Pie Ti

Ha!Ha! It is still Chinese New year that is until this Friday when it is Chap Go Mei!

Alamak, yesterday ta ba ( take bus) very clever. Coming back from the Town Library, chose to ta ba instead - No 851. So bus empty and go nice window seat. Then soon nodded off. Then suddenly wake up and saw bus moved off MRT station with a sign "YIshun Park". Die, die, better get down- lucky it is just one stop off Yishun station. So hurry cross road to the MRT station. Never knew Yishun station has a side entrance. Wait! It's Khatib! Should have stayed on the bus. Went to ask the Station Master how much one stop- $1. Senior Citizen? 68 cents. Angry low- want to go padang and demonstrate and bring down administration....( but MRT ticket will cost even more!). So walk back. The silly thing was to walk pass the swimming pool and then come back to it again. Lesson to learn: if you dose off, trust your instinct. No one the indianboyfriend know has every overslept in a bus. Remarkable but True!
Ha!Ha! Last night watch China has talent and although patterned after the USA one with 3 judges, it is more compassionate in passing those who are handicapped.
Now more pictures of the Perth Tuan Yuan. Here is a lesson on the right way to eat Pie Ti! Think the demonstrator ate the most!

Today is Wednesday. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Paisei.. late posting

Ha!Ha! First thing first! Ta Mee Kia in the morning at Bras Basah Complex ( Malansutra approved stall). But wa lao, the tea is $1.00!!! Airport had free wi fi - just click on Telstra and you will connect. Services
provided by Qantas actually. Jetstar was slightly delayed last night but the kamakazie pilot caught up time with greater speed so we touched down at 5.30 am. Managed to get a good seat on bus 858. A second round of sleep brought the time to 10 pm. And into the showered and found the water flooded to the toes. Ha!Ha! forgot to unseal the water outlet! Alamak, mybakuteh sealed up everything so tightly and yet the indianboyfriend found a dead cocky on the kitchen floor!
How did Valentine;s Day go yesterday! What is more romantic than for the indianboyfriend and mybakuteh to spend the day at Uncle B!!! The romantic music of the pokie gingle, the ringing of a game award and sharing a cup of free capucinno from Uncle Bee's vending machine!!! Hee!Hee! And Uncle Bee smiled on myabkuteh and kindly doubled her ang pow takings!
Now to view last night's dinner before the evaluation.

This is the Perth version of Johnson Duck. Chucky juicy, well marinated and
cooked duck. The top is the sauce. Very authentic and savoury. You can practically just eat
the rice with the sauce!
This is a stationary picture of the people at work on the duck. You cannot
eat this duck with fork and knife. It's like Kentucky.. you have to use your hands
and suck up the juices.
And the salad to complement it. And over there is the
magic sauce!
This is the picture of the duck in the cookbook. Check it out with the
actual dish cook! Verdict? Well in line with the MRK program last night,
ahem, must say that no penalization for the 15 minute wait at all! Verdict:
8 out of 10. Yes it qualifies for the title of Perth Johnson Duck!
The judge took four pieces!
Looking around the house there was this crate of fruits with the
giant oranges and 30 cents rock melons. And what do we have below?
The unions on sale. Believe it or not this lot ( 5 kg_) costs only
$1 - the price of the indianboyfriend's tea this morning.
Mybakuteh was given the other 5 kg. Keep clear of Kaledoscop3 and
Mybakuteh for the the next few days of fatulence galore!!!
Well it is back to Sunny Singapore and more daily swimming.
Have a great Monday!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Qin Ren Jie kuai leh... Happy Valentine Day!

Ha!Ha! It is still Chinese New Year but today is Love Day - Valentine's Day. Love is in the Air for sure! And we had the most wonderful Tuan Yuan Fan celebration. First the riotous Lo hei.
Ha! Ha! The indianboyfriend has perfected the art of Wabbit design for sure but do not know about the tomato rabbits. Despite his good efforts he was the subject of criticism like looks like this year is the year of the rat! Any way everyone is given a tomato rat.. eh rabbit I mean!

And now the lor hei in video live!
And here is the picture for a closer look.

And what were served on this auspicious day!
Pumpkin.. ha!ha! there is a kin there to reflect the creator!

Nian Nian you yu.. the fish the indianboyfriend did not cook!
Fai Cai??? Well it taste really good.

And Ennoying's creation of wrapped Chicken!

And of course the delicious pei ti which everyone said they ate four pieces - this is mathematically incorrect as mybakuteh bought only 30 case shells.

And everyone is tucking in the good food,

And of course, the was then ang pow time!

A tuan yuan fan is never completed without a picture.

And the finale? Of course, the best chocolate cake in town from Sian!

Ha!Ha! It was sheer temptation alright. So ended a most memorable tuan yuan fan!
Today is Monday and the indianboyfriend is returning tonight. So goodbye to the hot summer and it's back to ta mee pok and some hard work!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Muthu Fish Head Curry in Perth

Ha!Ha! It's Sunday and it's the Perth Tuan Yuan Fan tonight at 6.00 pm at Langford!
Last night was Muthu Fish Head in COMO, only this time it is the enormous Tuna Head which is extremely meaty!
Can you hear the bubbling boiling of the fragrant curry. Verdict: very authentic but a little too thick as the gravy is not drinkable (Hmm... better not say some more or no more future invitations!). This is a still picture for you to drool over!

And that is not all for Muthu recreated! There is the authentic banana leaf from the garden and the lime juice from the lemon behind! And the salad toppings.

Ha!Ha! And here are pics of the lemon and banana Tree.
And the nanas!

And we are all set to eat!
The indianboyfriend stayed up last night and watched "Dr Zhivago". The shuai ke
Omar Sharif and delightful Julie Christie and Geraldine Chaplin were the actors. The story was very moving and told how life ( and Love) was like in Bolshevic Russia. The funny thing was the story was so engaging ( and blast the advertisements) that the indianboyfriend did not know it was 4 am when it ended most heart wenchingly!
Talking about Muthu in Perth, there is also the indianboyfriend's matrix in Perth. Ta!Ta!Ta! Behold the Singapore Matrix re-incarnated in Perth!

Ha!Ha! With new mobility hope the vehicle will not keep to the narrow road and now lead us
on the Broad ( B) way which leads to Uncle B!
Praise the Lord, today is the Lord's Day! Enjoy!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hao Ban Shou

Ha!Ha! So the New Year Celebrations continues and will culiminate in the Tuan Yuan Fan
on Sunday Night. Looks like the thermal cooker will come in to rescue again. And here is the belated video of the pai nian in Singapore! Everyone must be told to be Kuai kaui and ding hua!

And look what our Hao Ban Shou...
It actually works very hard for no pay. Goes around the whole living room area and the corners too, with improvised tissue cleaners. And outside the house things are also blooming. The pride of the garden has to  be the Chilli plant boasting of a bumper crop!
In fact when cooking dinner last night, there was no spring onions and mybakuteh simply walked to the courtyard and pull up two. You can't do this in Singapore; hmm you can actually go downstairs and get some curry or go ground floor and pluck some of the garmen plants.
But the glow worms failed on us. They stop lighting up after midnight.
Had a great dinner last night although Sarge Wen had to jia ban. It was good to sit round the table and talk about children and reminiscence about the former days. Lta Ennoying talked about his coming REAL mountain climbing at KK, while mybakuteh whispered about her Symbolic Climb! Kaledoscop3 proved to be a pretty good story teller! The indianboyfriend was so caught up with the chit chat that he forgot to take a picture! At finally, the indianboyfriend got a prepaid sim cart. But it was a hassle to get it registered online for sure. They ask all sorts of funny questions and then pass you to a live operator whom I think is based in India! And got tricked too! The telco girl told us the top up at her station is same as Wolly's and and we found out that Wolly gave a 10% discount! And some more never offer to register for the customer.
Today is Sat and it is Church Day! Have a great weekend and do remember that next Monday is Valentine Day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fireworks Dance!

It's incredible! One day you are at Yishun and the same evening in Perth! It was a smooth flight except for the dinner we ordered. It was like army food. The so call Nasi Rendang and Beef stew were in a prepared package - they show it to you and then put into an oven. Then there were two jokers who checked in and did not show so they took 15 minutes to locate and remove the luggage - hence the little late arrival. Oh yes, there was the poor woman with double twins ( all boys some more) and had a hard time looking after them as each had a little trolley on wheels. Can imagine the bedlam at home! The pax next to the indianboyfriend was weird. Once the plane took off, she covered herself with the hood on her jacket and remained immobile until the plane was landing. When the landing, was uneven, she looked across and as if she knew something which we did not. Anyway, Lta Ennoying was there at the waiting bay and soon we were at Beatty Avenue.But wait. We had the last plunge before we left Yishun - Chay Kway Tiao!

And an array of cookies for the Sunday Tuan Yuan!

Woke up this morning and was given a demonstration on how to use the car. Pretty cool to have auto lights and wipers that turn on when it is dark and when it rains. Ha!Ha! Got to take it for its first servicing which is long well due! Wonder with this new mobility, whether need a restraining order for Uncle B visits!
Now for more videos during the new year! This is the fire crackers dance. Just throw the busters on the floor and dance!

It will be an eventual a few days as the indianboyfriend will be returning next Tuesday. The night was cool and the weather looks okay. It is going to be a wonderful Xin nian tuan yuan for sure!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Postcard from LangKawi!

Ha!Ha! Just Got a post card from Langkawi - it's two weeks after posting which goes to say much about the rural post system of our neighbour!

Ha!Ha! Cheap and delicious thai dinners - fresh fish from the sea too! Want to see the other side?

Lots of pictures but what its says is sleep, eat, swim, eat, sleep, eat, sleep .. etc And they say a picture tells a thousand words. Now we at at Langkawi, here is an old video of Gurney Hawker Centre:
Back in Singapore the indianboyfriend very clever to Ta Ba ( take bus). He met mybakuteh at courts AMK yesterday by taking a bus that landed right in front of Courts. Hmm 851, 852, 853 but after that 854 cannot already! Coming back a problem as there is a fence on the road divider and have to walk a long way to the overhead crossing. A good pair of running shoes is essential for bus takers.
Today is the Day! It will be a day of travel before we reach Perth at 9 pm. We reweighed out luggage and found we actually overshot to 41 kg. Think we will take the guitar strings out so that it would be about right!
Well Sunday nite is the Perth Lor Hei and the indianboyfriend is now into some kind of watch and do vegetable carving. See for yourself Sunday night! Ha!Ha! Forgot got Como Fish Head curry on Sat nite! Don't know got lemon juice or not!In Perth, a man has been cited as a Home Saver during the Roleystone fire. He and his children put out fires of five houses and saved them. Saved was also a dog!  Have a Great Day today!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

In Search of the Wholely Cobbler

Ha!Ha! In search of the Wholely Street Cobbler! Our quest took us to AMK and we went to the OCBC Bank area hoping to spot the good and cheap cobbler. The business was started by an old man who married a young pretty Chinese National. Then excitement overtook the happy man and one day we found out he passed on. His enterprising wife took over the business. But she was nowhere to be seen. So nothing is lost as we could go for the No 4, yes, No 4 mee and then return.

Wait a minute. This is ta mee but unfortunately not No 4. You see prosperoust stalls close for longer periods during the CNY. ( The one below our Flat has still not re-opened). This is the mushroom mee that we vowed to boycott since the AMK days as the seller's mother always put the vegetables on the floor. I remembered I once asked him why he did it and he replied that was okay. But again all is not lost as the coffee there is only 70 cts!.
So we went back and the widow cobbler was still no where to be found. Why mybakuteh was looking at something in the cheap corner stall, the indianboyfriend asked an uncle who said there was another one at block 167 near the bus stop and near the 7 eleven. So we took the long walk to Henry Cheok's place. No block 167, no seven eleven, only the bus stop. As we walked in disillusioned, another clobber appeared! Haleluya! Mybakuteh whipped out the GUESS shoes, and when she saw they were branded, she quicked charged $25 for resole-ing. Deal or No Deal! No Deal and we walked away! So the Wholely search goes on!
Yesterday was a sunny day except in the evening. It was a great day for a swim and yet the pool was empty. It has been less than 5 people every time!
Thanks to national library wifi, we now present the fish at Penang Bali Hai. Not these are moray eels and you can order them. Will you eat a Moray eel in all its beauty and grace?

Today will be a busy day for mybakuteh as she has a rather long eye appoint at the hospital stretching from blood test to consultation. Well if you asked me , she really need not go as she has an excellent eye on the indianboyfriend!. Today is Wednesday and we will be Perth tomorrow! Enjoy the day!