Thursday, February 17, 2011

Carrots for 4cts a Kio, Melons at 30cts and Unions at $1 per 5 kg....

Happy Chap Gor Mei!
This is the last day of the New Year and have to do the Pomelo Trick again.
This is the place that has replaced Canningvale as the cheapest place to shop for groceries! And it is opened 24 hours a day. It is called Spudshed near Jandakot airport. Reason for being cheap is that it is on Federal territory - land owned by airport. And of course in the background is Wen's recent Deal!

These 30 cts melons are simply delicious! Though it may look small, it can feed four persons
to the brink!
And where has all the people gone on Thursday? There was no queue in during the bus check-in, the canteen with free coffee is deserted and there were only 7 people on the double storey bus to Melaka. Two of them are the driver and the Guide! No queue at customs on both Singapore and Malaysia side. No customers in the Lucky Canteen at Yong Peng. All no people in the Melaka Mall! Feel not very shiok. No one to jostle with, cannot grumble or complaint and get everything without effort!
Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend stayed at this Finnex Inn which promised a great deal at $99 RM nett!
Imagine his shock when he opened the door of the room and there was NO window. Talking about a room with a view. The last time it happened was in Bangkok at the Orchid Inn in Chinatown!
Anyway the room was clean and cool. Managed to see "THe King's Speech", Only two people in the cinema including the indianboyfriend. When he bought the ticket, the man asked him how old he was.
Must be Ba Kua or what. Then he grin.. Senior Citizen discount - only $6 for the ticket!
But the show despite its acclaimation, is a sleeper. The only exciting thing was to learn that King
Edward abdicated to marry the Amerian Mrs Simpson who was twice divorced and was not protrayed as attractive in the movie. It's all about the stammering King...Aiyah if you want to see good shows avoid the academy award winners. Like Inception... touted not to win anything but is really rivetting and compelling.
This hotel also go internet so can surf at the cost of $4 per hour!
Ha!Ha! Lta Ennoying and Kin are heading for KK tomorrow. We pray for a safe and happy trip
and God;s hands to be with them.

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