Thursday, February 10, 2011

Postcard from LangKawi!

Ha!Ha! Just Got a post card from Langkawi - it's two weeks after posting which goes to say much about the rural post system of our neighbour!

Ha!Ha! Cheap and delicious thai dinners - fresh fish from the sea too! Want to see the other side?

Lots of pictures but what its says is sleep, eat, swim, eat, sleep, eat, sleep .. etc And they say a picture tells a thousand words. Now we at at Langkawi, here is an old video of Gurney Hawker Centre:
Back in Singapore the indianboyfriend very clever to Ta Ba ( take bus). He met mybakuteh at courts AMK yesterday by taking a bus that landed right in front of Courts. Hmm 851, 852, 853 but after that 854 cannot already! Coming back a problem as there is a fence on the road divider and have to walk a long way to the overhead crossing. A good pair of running shoes is essential for bus takers.
Today is the Day! It will be a day of travel before we reach Perth at 9 pm. We reweighed out luggage and found we actually overshot to 41 kg. Think we will take the guitar strings out so that it would be about right!
Well Sunday nite is the Perth Lor Hei and the indianboyfriend is now into some kind of watch and do vegetable carving. See for yourself Sunday night! Ha!Ha! Forgot got Como Fish Head curry on Sat nite! Don't know got lemon juice or not!In Perth, a man has been cited as a Home Saver during the Roleystone fire. He and his children put out fires of five houses and saved them. Saved was also a dog!  Have a Great Day today!

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