Friday, February 4, 2011

Chu Yi celebrations

Ha!Ha! First things first.. Tradtion. Offering Tea as a gesture of filial piety and also a way to get the ang pow fast!
Then more filial piety as we headed to All Siants Church to visit Grandparents. We must appluaqd ourselves for taking bus all the way.

A group pic at the colabarium Room 3. Patrick is pointing at the location of the urns.
A close up of the memorium with all the good blessings rabbits.
Then it was back to the Hemry's place by the courtesy of Sa Ku's car.
The choice of CNY candies is limitless here.
Our picks are the Love letters and jam tarts. Specialities are the arrowroot and black groundnuts...Washed down with coffee with Henry's new coffee machine.
The only  one who seems a little upset over the Rabbit year is Waggy. The poor dog was aged considerably and has some skin problems.
And the last visit to Kate's place. While debating on which bus to take from Henry's place, am empty taxi zoomed past and solved our problem. We amused ourselves testing our blood pressure one the OMRON machine which Kate bought. Thanks to the good Lord that Kate is no longer under medication. The good news is we heard that Kelvin's big Day may be approaching.
Ha! Ha! Spend the afternoon lugging this guitar case from Ubi on the Train. Daleth was very kind and helpful and brought it to theEunos MRT. She even offered to drive the indianboyfriend back home seeing the size of the case. But MRT every good - no one even blinked an eye on the indianboyfriend. We weighed the case and guitar which fit nicely into it. 12 Kilo. The $64 question is whether Kaledoscop3 has the luggage left for it! Tonight is diiner at Poh Choo's place. It's weekend today but it started yesterday for us. The Lord has blessed us with a clear sunny day yesterday. Let's hope it continue today as the pool is OPENED!!!

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