Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The right Way to eat Pie Ti

Ha!Ha! It is still Chinese New year that is until this Friday when it is Chap Go Mei!

Alamak, yesterday ta ba ( take bus) very clever. Coming back from the Town Library, chose to ta ba instead - No 851. So bus empty and go nice window seat. Then soon nodded off. Then suddenly wake up and saw bus moved off MRT station with a sign "YIshun Park". Die, die, better get down- lucky it is just one stop off Yishun station. So hurry cross road to the MRT station. Never knew Yishun station has a side entrance. Wait! It's Khatib! Should have stayed on the bus. Went to ask the Station Master how much one stop- $1. Senior Citizen? 68 cents. Angry low- want to go padang and demonstrate and bring down administration....( but MRT ticket will cost even more!). So walk back. The silly thing was to walk pass the swimming pool and then come back to it again. Lesson to learn: if you dose off, trust your instinct. No one the indianboyfriend know has every overslept in a bus. Remarkable but True!
Ha!Ha! Last night watch China has talent and although patterned after the USA one with 3 judges, it is more compassionate in passing those who are handicapped.
Now more pictures of the Perth Tuan Yuan. Here is a lesson on the right way to eat Pie Ti! Think the demonstrator ate the most!

Today is Wednesday. Enjoy!

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