Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chu Si celebrations

Ha!Ha! The celebrations continue on the fourth day and our favourite Ta Mee Stall is still on vacation!
And Chinese New year is about filial piety. After observing mybakuteh scraping the carrots for the Lor Hei xin guo, Kaledoscop3 went out and bought a scraper. So Sunday's night lor hei was a bumper crop as more was scrapped with ease. Watch the demonstation clip!
The grand artist is still at designing the Rabbit which will be perfected in Perth. The Mastrae hit fame last year when he designed the Tiger!
And looked who came for a visit in the afternoon!
Why we would have sworn it was Gabooven himself!
In the night it was another grand dinner with lots of food. Justin made his debut with his special omlette. Ha!Ha! The best is still the Keropa tit bits... the indianboyfriend quietly munched three large pieces away! Somehow the Rochere chocolates delude him!
And where there are food, they are people.
And the regular set-up artiste is at work again preparing the lor hei!
And after all the event, the kiddies decided to give a new year greeting presentation. It was also caught on video but cannot upload now.
The night ended with another act of kindness as Beng Khoon volunteered to drive us back to Yishun. No hopping over three train stations are waiting endlessly for a cab!
Ha!Ha! This is a pic of Kaledoscop3 at Genting Cable Way. She has arrived safely in Perth
and passed customers with the jam tarts, doughtnuts and ginger! Her key job now is to recover the garden plants hit by the lack of water over the last two weeks!
Chinese new year is 15 days so continue to enjoy!

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