Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Winter Blooms in Caningvale

Look at the giant orange in Kaledoscop3 garden. Looks like a winner for sure. And look at the plentiful lime.
You can there are many fruits in the background!
Back at Yishun, no more cold showered. The Harvey Norman contractor came punctually and did a great job, Ta ta lah!
This new one has a plate for the soap or spectacles. The shower head has multiple control to regulate the force and spray of water! Safe and shiok.
Mean while mybakuteh's visit to the dentist specialist has taken quite a toll on her. She had to sit on the chair with her mouth open for the three hour surgery. After the three hours, the doctor gave another appointment to complete the job as she fear for the mojuth strain. The job was to defuse the four nerves or root canal and then cap the broken tooth. Bills are piling up and we hope the insurance will pay. Ha!Ha!
Today is Tuesday and come Friday, Sarge Wen will be here eating Kway Chap! On the Perth local news, Lta Ennoying has hit limelight by doing fine community work. He volunteered to audit Animal Companions free of charge. This organization brings dogs to hospital for therapy of the inmates.
No, the dog in the picture is not Justin but one of the man is Lta Ennoying!
Have a great Day!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Best Seats on the Coach!

Ha!Ha! Got the best seats to Melaka... panoramic view of the expressway we travel to Melaka. On the way bag lagi better. Got a 60% discount sunnies to shield off the glare! And more food in Melaka.
This is the snaily slow shop but gives the best prices. There in front is mybakute's favourite - Buah Lekak. In case you do not not what they are, they are opium nuts...

You have to pry open the nuts and dig out the pulp inside and consume them. We went to watch the Pirates of the Carribeans 3 D. But the only 3 D thing we kept seeing were the subtitles! It was a most confusing plot with fascinating mermaids and fountain of youth!
And more chendol at every meal. Real coconut milk.
Soon it was back at Chong Pang. It is worth walking the distance there for the variety of breakfast.

Delicious prata... and not yoghurt... genuine coconut milk. Mybakuteh bought the ba chang yesterday and the woman said the price will increase the following day and Ba Chang Day is approaching. And looked what we saw there!
Local news. Dr Tan Chin Bock, former PAP MP wants to run for the $4 million President Job! Dengue fever is now on the rise in Singapore especially in the SW parts. PAP seems to live up to its words. Mr Khaw has increased the number of BTO flats ( build first then talk) and is now going to accelerate the renting program. Barcelona won as expected. You show see how the British audience cheered when Rooney equalised and even more hopw they behaved when Barcelong slammed in the second goal!!!!
StarHub very bad.. the free channels are only for a week and now they are gone!!!Today is another day of cold showers... mybakuteh chickened out and use the other shower. Hopefully the technician will show this morning as promised! Be thankful for small things like hot showers!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Danger at Home

Yesterday the sharp-eyed mybakuteh spotted a leak in the water heater during her bath. The water had broken through the electrical box and was seeping down to the floor. Luckily this was spotted quickly or else electrocution may occur. Well it was cold bath this morning before church and a trip to Harvey Norman to get a replacement!
The preacher this morning was from Hydrabad. He spoke about the Pipe Village there ( where the poor lived in concrete pipes) and about a little girl from there who became a medical doctor after attending the church school.
The search for the elusive perfect Ba Chang continues.
We started our quest in Melaka, searching for the famous Nyonya Chang. After a long and fruitless search ( no one sells Ba Chang there!) we stumbled across this stall. The woman said her Chang was so good that one customer came back and bought 16 more. No us. After eating it, the indianboyfriend gave it a 4 out of 10. The search ended in Chong Pang.
Mybakuteh chose the mini version. They are half the size and more managable for sure.
And look what we have for Sunday brekky!!! Mini ba chang - both the fatty and nyonya types! Finally, Sarge Wen will be arriving in Singapore this Friday morning and wanted to watch the Lion King.

Demands seems to be high and we managed to get single seats only.
Grrr.... Samba.. here we come!
The Indian pastor told us a joke about the creative mobile provider in Hydrabad. Called Idea, it featured an advert showing some one in the Indian outbacks without reception. So the advert chipped in, "No signal? No Idea? Get Idea!" I know it is not the best joke but jokes are hard to come by in sermons. Have a wonderful what is left of the weekend!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Melaka Delights

Ha!Ha! It's Japanese food at Melaka this week. There is this buffet restaurant at Makota Mall that has a double promotion. 50% off for Mothers aka mybakuteh and 10% off for senior citizen aka the indianboyfriend. So we hop in and paid only RM 38/- for unlimited feasting at the teppanaki table. We had chicken, beef ( ie the indianboyfriend), fish, prawn, cuttlefish, veggie until we are full to the brink. There is also ala carte dishes for free and this include sashimi, soups, lo ark and steamboat. Drinks are free flow and there is a cendol sector too! We were so full that we almost could not eat the Magmum ice cream we picked on our way back to the hotel. And the hotel offered free Wi Fi!!!
It is unthinkable to leave Melaka without the peranakan food. The first day we tried at one restaurant and mybakuteh was so angry over the slow service that we vowed never to go there again. So on the second day, we went to Ole Sayang which is next to the hotel. That is after a one hour footie. The prices are not cut throat as every third shop is a massage one. We paid only $24 RM for an excellent one hour footie.. the indianboyfriend fell asleep and when he woke up he could not recall where he was for the first few seconds.
The Ayam Kapitan was okay but the Kam Chay Ark was the best, followed by the chendol. ANd what do you do after a hearty meal? We went back to the shop for a one hour body massage for only $30 RM. Then we saw something we had to buy for Misus Langford. But what it is will be a surprise. And a little hint, it is Fisher Price. Could it be this? Ha!Ha! Got to wait to late July! 
Back to Singapore means back to Chong Pang which has the best variety of breakfast food for sure. And the cheapest and freshest fruits. Look at the paw paw below... THREE for $2/-. Just nice for mybakuteh's new found papaya therapy.
Today is Saturday but it seems like Sunday as we often returned back from Melaka on Sunday. The beautiful park of the weekday trip is that there is no jams or queue. We got there and place on scheduled.
The weather is just HOT! Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Chong Pang Trap

Be forewarned if you want to venture to Chong Pang in the morning. You never know what you willbe compelled to buy back. This morning, it was the wonder self hair curling that attracted mybakuteh. The demonstration was almost too overpowering for her and she succumbed to a purchase! Lucky got free gift - a $3.50 hair clip!.
But it;s fruits galore at Chong Pang except there was no durians this morning.
Look at the hairy rambutans going for a song!

And for banana lovers, this is going to kill you! It's $1.50, not $10.50 per kilo!!!
Strange things happen at Chong Pang. Look at the authentic Big Bowl of Laksa selling at only $2.50 ( no price increase yet). And for change the lady gave the indianboyfriend an Australian Dollar... tang tiow for sure!!!
Went to the library yesterday but the internet was not working. Had lunch with Halt Chor at the famous Bras Basah Bak Choo Mee.  Not cheap though as it was selling at $3.50 - office workers' price.
Today is Wednesday and the pool is only opened in the afternoon. Tomorrow is Thursday and we are off to Melaka!
Got a few things to buy already and among these are the cartoon tooth brush holders. The door bell is restored at Yishun and is the exsact replica for Beatty Avenue. What Kaledoscop3 does not know is she is going to have the third replica! It's 32 changing chimes!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Starhub Good

Ha!Ha! Just when we were very frustrated over our Cable TV controller for not functioning most of the time, Starhub came to the rescue. Their technician came yesterday to upgrade our box to digital and gave us a new supercontroller. No matter how far away from the TV box, it switches like magic! And some more clearer digital images. And they give you free access to all programs for two weeks or so!  Saw CSI new york last night.All this provided and they slashed the monthly bill by 50% just because we went on a one year contract. Very hard to fine.. good service at lower price!

While Lta Ennoying is dying to eat Mee Pok, we have been eating it every day and really got sick of it. So we switch to home bread once in a while, like today! Today is Tuesday and it is library day for the indianboyfriend. News of a dreadful tornado hitting missouri and killing 100 people is tragic.
Back in Perth wonder if anyone is taking part in the big Charity run!!!! Ha!Ha! There was a news report locally that a 55 year old very healthy man who went for a 5 km run and collapsed and died on the spot.
This Thurs, the indianboyfriend and mybakuteh will be heading to Melaka to savour the peranakan food! And maybe buy a few things like doughnuts... oh no, we having eaten the ones we got from KL  yet!
Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hot & Humid

Weatherman has been forecasting rain for this week but the rains were here earlier. It has become very hot and sticky now.
Mybakuteh is back to her friendship circle routine... morning breakfast and exercises at Botanic Gardens.. hope the weather will hold.
Watch "Black Swan" last night and did not expect the film to be about political manoaevers and sexual frigidity. The ending was a disappointment... Thought it was an inspiring film about achievement against odds...Ha! Ha! There is a tip when booking the budget airlines. Look out for the elusive insurance cover. Sometimes when you tick "No", it does not go away and will be added to your total bill. So always look at the flight costs and see if there are extra added before payment. Also look at the flight times as Jetstar is well know for changing its times. Just because you are always using the flight does not mean the time will be the same.
Back in Singapore, the President's and minister's salary will be reviewed downwards. Ha!Ha! One member of the team is Great Eastern's chairman!
Seems Mr President's $4m salary will be brought down below PM's as his workscope is not as complex. Wonder who will be the next President in August.. Alamak! Looks like the indianboyfriend and mybakuteh will be in Perth again and cannot vote!
Today is the beginning of a new week. Have a great week!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

PAP Cekebration Party!

This is the delicious la la had for lunch on Sat!

Ha!Ha! It was the Cheok family get together last night and as it was in Patrick's home, it must be the PAP victory celebration! Saw that Eton is now on Japanese Cards collection as he proudly brough his book of 33 cards! Says he shares it with Joab but think it is only in name! The good news is that he will be  admitted to ACS next year!Wonder if he would take up rugby!
And it was a great pot luck... Mybakuteh's tray of 30 eggs were made into Kyle's eggs and ended with only 6 or 7 left. Learned that Patrick went ot Sentosa a few days after a fishing competition and caught a 16 katii Grouper! The band of retirees is increasing with Poh Choo stopping work end April and Hin Weng soon in end May. Willaim is now quite adept with his iphone!
The Kylie Wong eggs... must give top marks for presentation!
Ha!Ha! The crowd at the kitchen enjoying the potluck.
Today is Sunday and Lta Ennoying is enroute back to Perth. Should be in Singapore before 3 pm.. wonder if he checked out again to eat the 6/10 Mee Pok!!!
Back at home the Washing machine has been behaving very well since mybakuteh came back home. Guess it knows who is the boss!
This Friday is the garmen, Eat with the Family evening. Staff are allowed to go home ON TIME to enjoy a meal with their family members!
Ha!Ha! Tonight on TV got Masterchef USA.. wondered what it is all about!
Also programs like "Undercover Boss". "Million Dollar Drop" are all coming here too! Alas, no daily  Deal or No Deal!
Enjoy the rest of the Weekend!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Paw Paw at a Song!

Look what we got at Chong Pang fruit stall... THREE papayas for $2... problem is the weight in walking back home!

And where else can you can the crispy hot you Tiao except in Chong Pang. Dipped in excellent coffee at only $70 per glass!
Of course these cannot be compared to the Hard Rock Hotel french pastries for breakfast. The little yellow top buns are the famous pineapple buns which are so soft that when you bite them the bread expands by itself. And the mini egg tarts will blow your taste buds away!
Well tonight is the Cheok  pot luck dinner get-together at Patrick's home. Ha! Ha! At last venturing into Potong Pasir now in the good hands of PAP! ( This morning went to Chong Pang  and saw the poster of dear PAP  Shammugan smiling at us - he is now the Foreign Minister.)Mybakuteh has bought a tray of eggs and fresh la la.. wonder what the Master Chef is conjuring up!!!
Today is Saturday and more reports of the loss of George Yeo as a diplomat.
Good news is the our travel insurance policy has confirmed it will pay for the crowning of mybakuteh's chipped tooth at the cost of about $1500!  Meanwhile Starhub for fear of losing customers has offered us a 50% rebate in monthly subscription if we sign a one year contract - and they threw in a free digital box upgrade! Also receive an offer from National Geographic for a year subscription at $49! Half the price of Readers' Digest and they throw in a free NG jacket as a gift and a host of maps ( whatever for). 
Today is lazy Saturday. Lta Ennoying will be at the reality TV wedding tonight in KL. Enjoy! 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mee Pok

Got an SMS from Lta Ennoying this morning with the message "No Mee Pok?". Ha!Ha! It was 7 am and he was just transiting at Singapore Airport. His hunger for Pee Mok was so great that he checked out and went to the canteen to taste the Mee Pok. Alas, he rated it a 6 out of ten, but gave the thumbs up for kopi peng. While all this was happening, mybakuteh and the indianboyfriend was at Chong Pang, eating the flat fish cake stall kuay tiow mee! Look at the famous buncing fishball in the soup..

It bounced off mybakuteh bowl and landed on the floor! Lucky got two fishballs! And after the nice coffee o and teh o ( at 70 cts only), we went on a clothing shopping spree... shorts and blouses from $2 to $3!!!
Here we are at KFC near the foot of the mountain climb. This is the first one we came across that offer us a plastic glove to eat with the chicken. And they give you one only. Why? So you can continue to lick the chicken with the other!!!

Ha!Ha! The Hard Rock Hotel at the foot of the Mountain... pretty good service. Now we know why it is called Hard Rock. We went there for brekky and the indianboyfriend asked for a soft boil egg. They politely say they serve only HARD boiled eggs. Then they had a discussion with the cook and came back to the indianboyfriend saying, "We cannot make the soft boil egg only for one person!" Wait till Ya Koon hear about this!

Meanwhile, Halt Chor has been out in Malaysian waters fishing over the Vesak weekend. This time it is all trevallies.
Cooked fresh every night on shore for the hard working fisher men!
Read there is a mini tornado at Canning Vale which did some damage. Also widespread flood even in Canning Highway! Today is Friday. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Carry on, PAP!!!!

Ha!Ha! It is good to know that Nee Soon is under PAP as you walk the streets to Chong Pang. Got PUB bills this month and it's not only NO CHARGE ( due to growth dividend rebate) but also got credit for following month. Where got so good garmen. Then got bill for Lift upgrade. The cost for having a lift on your floor next to your doorsteps is only $660! And you can pay in monthly instalments from 1 -10 years. If you cannot afford can defer payment until you sell the flat! PAP already looked after you so well! Well done, Keep it Up!
Three Cheers for PAP!
No more $12 per kg bananas... wonder if the PAP is also responsible for it!
Ha!Ha! Only in Chong Pang, PAP GRC, can you get the authentic Cha Tow Kuay! Failed to secure a durian yesterday and they do not look fresh.
It's hot and sweaty back in Singapore unlike the cool weather back in Perth.
Today is Vesak Day and a holiday. Not much news except for the chap from the IMF charged with sexual assault. Quite an incredible tale, it seems, if it is true at all.
What's cooking ahead? Well mybakuteh is planning to make bak chang
(dumplings) next week. The latest craze for bak chang in Singapore is Bao Yu ( abalone) bak chang! Asked mybakuteh if hers will have bao yu, common  yu maybe, but certainly no precious fish!!!!
Have a great Day!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Ha!Ha! A well deserved rest for mybakuteh at KL. Nice room with free wifi, Dvd player and a hearty full brekky for two!
Shabu shabu in the heart of the city.... comes with the smiley face fish cake!

For the indianboyfriend, it is hot stone chicken instead. The stone was so hot that even mybakuteh fried her shabu shabu meat on it!

And no visit is complet with the Crispy Creme doughnuts!
And how to end the perfect day? Magnum ice cream of course. And here in KL it is only RM3.80 for the classic!
Back home there is conflict in the WP which won the East Coast place for nominated MP. The one who was not chosen by the secretariat resigned!!! And on a happy note Dear Stefanie Sun's wedding pics are out. She married to her 5 year old Dutch indonesian boyfriend! And the Haze is creeping up on Singapore again.
Ha!Ha! Will be back for ba chou mee tonight in Singapore!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ah Pek ( old man) goes home

Ha!Ha! Ah Pek went back to their real Mummy and Daddy at Langford last night. Suddenly there is a certain air of freedom at Beatty. Open door to courtyard any time... no more midnight walks... by the way Justin seems to enjoy the car ride... no whining for sure. And then there is the treat at Hong Kong Cuisine.

Strage decor.. like a cave near a seaside...but Lta ennoying said it used to be a hot stone restuarant. As predicted the friendly lady pushed for the "long sia" at $30 per pound... First to order and it is Japanese pointing style...
What you see is what you get!
This is the half eaten ko ro yok.. or sweet sour pork. Think it is the signature dish here.

This white eye yolk with sea food is quite respectable.
The minced pork is also quite good except it was a little salty.
The long beans are thumbs up - well fried.
The sa por or claypot is comes out last in the array of five dishes.
Well, after the hearty meal it was Masterchef at Langford. The indianboyfriend suspects the other two of three did not win because the judges do not really appreciate Asian cuisine. The trick is to cook western!

Ha!Ha! Guess who came for Brekky this morning! Kaledoscop3 with her home baked coconut cake. Hmm. pretty good except it was a bit too buttery.
If only it has some gula melaka!!!!!
                           Had good news from Kin. The baby is well and healthy and is on schedule for delivery in early August! Pray for Mom and child.