Friday, May 6, 2011

Ha!Ha!The taste of Fish Head Mee Hoon again!

Ha!Ha! Managed to have dinner last night at Bateman after a 10 min wait. It was an over powering meal with Kaledoscop3 as we left the place with full tummies. Never missed the laksa version, man.
Ha!Ha! At last the promotional Magnam from IGA Carlisle! There are four per pack and there are three more packs to be collected at the promotional price two weeks ago! This is Australia where everything is nice and easy.
The Mother's Day flowers have started to bloom nicely and it will be a wonderful spray on Sunday. Outside Sarge Wen's gardern is also blooming with the morning glory!
Note there are four flowers now to a cluster!
Back in Singapore, it is one day before voting. Opposition candidate Nicole Seah won the academy award by shedding tears during her speech when she told about the mother who did not get her $80 tuition money refunded. But old Chiam really looks slow and old in his speech. He has to bend close to look at the text and read it very slowly like a child learning to read. Wonder if he has the good health to survive a five year term.
Today is Friday and Sarge is coming back tomorrow.
Any further news of Justin. Well he is now openly claiming the sofa and the bedroom carpet as his territory.

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