Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ah Pek ( old man) goes home

Ha!Ha! Ah Pek went back to their real Mummy and Daddy at Langford last night. Suddenly there is a certain air of freedom at Beatty. Open door to courtyard any time... no more midnight walks... by the way Justin seems to enjoy the car ride... no whining for sure. And then there is the treat at Hong Kong Cuisine.

Strage decor.. like a cave near a seaside...but Lta ennoying said it used to be a hot stone restuarant. As predicted the friendly lady pushed for the "long sia" at $30 per pound... First to order and it is Japanese pointing style...
What you see is what you get!
This is the half eaten ko ro yok.. or sweet sour pork. Think it is the signature dish here.

This white eye yolk with sea food is quite respectable.
The minced pork is also quite good except it was a little salty.
The long beans are thumbs up - well fried.
The sa por or claypot is comes out last in the array of five dishes.
Well, after the hearty meal it was Masterchef at Langford. The indianboyfriend suspects the other two of three did not win because the judges do not really appreciate Asian cuisine. The trick is to cook western!

Ha!Ha! Guess who came for Brekky this morning! Kaledoscop3 with her home baked coconut cake. Hmm. pretty good except it was a bit too buttery.
If only it has some gula melaka!!!!!
                           Had good news from Kin. The baby is well and healthy and is on schedule for delivery in early August! Pray for Mom and child.

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