Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cheju Island, Korea

Ha!Ha! Love in the City. This is the man made river that runs through the centre of the city of Seoul. Now to Cheju.
Hmm.. reminds you of the three monkeys... This is the Cheju Park.

Panaromic view of the Park.
Hmm more parkland and a pop in frame for photo shots.
After all that panoramic view it is time to tuck in with the famous Lotteria burger. Lotteria is the local Macdonald franchise.

This is the Lotteria Deal... burger, chips and drink! And finally it is not only in Japan. Korea has its Love hotel... See for yourself..

Wow romantic pick and it has free wifi too- hence the pics you are seeing now. Sarge Wen is scheduled back Sat night 7 May.

 Meanwhile at Beatty, the indianboyfriend has changed his diet to fight possible osterprorosis...drinking milk... remembered as a little boy the famous and expensive Cold Storit milk in a rectangular pack. Well the milk tastes okay...supposed to be fresh in WA but last night TV says 56% of samples from the supermarket failed the bacteria test. One brand has 1 million counts when the limit was 50,000. Strangely the health authorities says despite the unhygenice processing, the milk was still safe!!!!
Osama is dead and US garmen is debating whether to release gruesome pic of the corpse less they fear people may say just like for Elvis and Kennedy,
"The Terrorist is Alive" ( which the mob outside the villa is chanting now!)
It's Wednesday midweek and have a great day!

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