Sunday, May 1, 2011

Best Soto Mee Feen in Perth

Ha!Ha! The best Soto ayam mee fen in Perth for sure. And more generous than Big Bowl.. The chook was nice and tender and the veggie was fresh and plentiful.
Look at the spread. And to end it up, there was popsicle for desert. And it has been years since the indianboyfriend ate a popsicle!
And what did we have for lunch on Sat? Pasta kon ba ( shank) by default! There was no mee fen at home so mybakuteh substitute it with pasta. And it was a tasty Asian dish. Now that Kaledoscop3 gave  mybakuteh the remnsnt of her soto mee fen, the traditional kon ba tee ka mee fen must just surface
At Beatty, Justin is now King of the house. Last night when leaving the sofa to the loo, the indianianboyfriend returned to see Ah Pek sleeping on the sofa. He has been waiting for the chance to claim his dong ching throne!
And he is further pampered by Doc Justin who walked him and fed him with junk food as a treat - a can of dog food. Heng ah, heng ah, the indianboyfriend instintively took TWO poo bags this morning.
The treat was so good that he pooed twice!
Last night the pastor preached on the after life - a timely reminder that eternity belongs to the Lord! Today is lazy Sunday so enjoy!

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