Monday, May 2, 2011

Morning Glory

The garden is blooming well and we sighted this tri-bloom over the fence! As the good book says, even Solomon in all its glory was not arrayed like one of these!
It's bao making again by mybakuteh. And even Justin has a share. He got a kosong bao! Verdict of the venture? The fillings are great although the skin could have been more fluffy.
Thanks to the old entertainment book we got a one for one quarter chicken
for lunch yesterday. Got 2 bottles of coke too! Hmmm not deep fried but still juicy and nice. A strong contender with the Colonel for sure!
Travel news... SIA has slashed fares to Japan too $400! Two to fly! Good chance to go to Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea!!!!And perhaps a trip to Hakone!!!!
Today is Labour Day holiday in Singapore.

Ha!Ha! The forbidden line. Cannot go to the courtyard so Justin just basked in the sun. This morning very bad... came to the room and whine and whine at 5.45 am. Lta Ennoying says this means he got a quick one. So took him out at 6 am when it was pitch dark... True enough the expulsion came fast and furious but almost cannot see it in the dark!!!!
Today is Monday, the start of another great week. Enjoy!

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