Monday, May 23, 2011

Hot & Humid

Weatherman has been forecasting rain for this week but the rains were here earlier. It has become very hot and sticky now.
Mybakuteh is back to her friendship circle routine... morning breakfast and exercises at Botanic Gardens.. hope the weather will hold.
Watch "Black Swan" last night and did not expect the film to be about political manoaevers and sexual frigidity. The ending was a disappointment... Thought it was an inspiring film about achievement against odds...Ha! Ha! There is a tip when booking the budget airlines. Look out for the elusive insurance cover. Sometimes when you tick "No", it does not go away and will be added to your total bill. So always look at the flight costs and see if there are extra added before payment. Also look at the flight times as Jetstar is well know for changing its times. Just because you are always using the flight does not mean the time will be the same.
Back in Singapore, the President's and minister's salary will be reviewed downwards. Ha!Ha! One member of the team is Great Eastern's chairman!
Seems Mr President's $4m salary will be brought down below PM's as his workscope is not as complex. Wonder who will be the next President in August.. Alamak! Looks like the indianboyfriend and mybakuteh will be in Perth again and cannot vote!
Today is the beginning of a new week. Have a great week!

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