Monday, July 2, 2012

Cheo ka Bi Bi

While the other kids are jumping around and playing with guns, dear Gayle played quietly at one corner with much contentment. She gentlely took the two doggie cushions and patted them softly as she carried them as a baby.

The others at the dinner were playing active games. During the drawing session, little Joab gave the indianboyfriend three green ticks for his drawing of Spider man. When he later drew a Dinasour, he got a harsh red cross. Undetered he marked himself with three green ticks which Joab very quickly came over and crossed them out with his mighty red pencil. Hmm Eton must have pitied the indianboyfriend and quickly drew a respectable pic of a Dinasour for him. It was even signed off - could be a valuable early work of a budding artist! Better keep it properly.
We simply had to do it. No 4 stall. This morning, took a train to eat the heavenly meal and sure it was!
Back to Bali and here are some pics of the beach horse riding in a clearer format.
Hi Ho, Silver!!!
We were the only riders in the beach filled with surfers. This is north of Semanyik but who matter where you go in Bali, you will see the ang mo.
Look at the surfers in the fore front.
The thatched house along the beach.
Alamak! Last night wanted to sleep early but Okto has the Korean show- the legend of a Courtesan.  But got actressd Song Hye Kyo, so mybakuteh say must see. Then movie got past midnight and we did not get up until 8 am this morning!
Now reading the Vanishing Elephant by Murakami. This was recommended by Sarge Wen. It is a collection of short stories and they are really very bizarre short stories. Extremely amusing though!
Got angry with StuffHub.. I mean Starhub again and going tomorrow to terminate the cable account. Even when terminate must bring the box personally to their service centre! And Wednesday is the day to join all the crazy people at Gardens on Bay! Time to smell the roses in life!

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