Friday, July 20, 2012

Standing on one Hand

Wah, see dear Hannah so clever! Can stand up holding only one of Daddy's hand. And now she can shake her head if she wants to say no!
And how did the Sengkang Kite flying went? Well, the butterfly kite just refuse to fly. There was no rain but also no wind. So we decided to do something better - eat!
Hmm Gayle was the winner... heard she ate 8 fishballs... Ha!Ha! get it? Ate 8 fishballs!
Then came Daddy Superman. Both he and Uncle Hin Weng were indomitable - their perseverence ( or transated into mad running) made the kite airborne at last!!!!
And there was a surprise pressie from th artistic family - Mummy, Gabriel and Gayle - an oil painting of a butterfly - a good reminder of how the indianboyfriend failed to launched his butterfly kite!
The trip back was wonderful - thanks to 965 - one straight bus back by expressway ( didn't even stop at Jalan Kayu) in 20 mins. Alamak, came by three changes of MRT and took 45 mins and lots of brisk walking! Think twice if you think this is the end of our kite flying efforts!

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