Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dear Hannah's Big Day

Yesterday was Hannah's Big Day. First of all must find the house to celebrate.
Special Hannah ballons to mark the address. Unfortunately the strong wind blew away the first two balloons and they really flew sky high!
And wonderful self decorated birthay cake. The Shamu is hand made by the Father and the prettiest, the Lion is crafted by the Mummy. See.
And look what happened to the giant cake after the cake was cut!
Hmm, all the while, it was the Birthday Girl who presided over the cake cutting and distribution.
Hmm quietly dipping her finger into the lemonade and putting it in her mouth.
A too excited moving Hannah with the indianboyfriend.
A better picture with Mummy and the cake!

And a happy mybakuteh looking on the princess. Look at the solitary candle burning bright!
A final close up of dear Hannah and the cake!
Look at the pressies Hannah got!
And soon it was pressie opening time after most of the guests have left.
Lovely dresses from Auntie Joey!
Look at the spread!
The event was so exciting that Pirate slept through it.
Justinn kept whinning when he saw all those balloons so we had to give him one which he held on throughout the party!
Next was play time with the balls in the trough!
A sit up position.
Ha!Ha! Buried in the sea of balls.
Takes sometime for her to enjoy it.
Ah Chek who had to run out to get more KFC when the first round ran out. Must be finger licking good!
No more KFC so Hannah sucks her thumb with mybakuteh!
Time to smile when Ah Chek returned with the 60 pieces of chicken!
Hannah with the indianboyfriend. Pic taken by Ah Chek and now the new FB home page pic! Hmm doctored the black background a bit.
Happy with Aunt Angela... And to cap up the celebrations, here is a pic from the FB video of her walking with a walker on her birthday. Come next winter, no more walker for sure, Happy 1st Birthday Hannah!
A standing ovation for all family members and friend who came and brought lovely pressies. And all who worked silently to make the party a big Success!!!!

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