Friday, December 31, 2010

Today may change your life!

Ha!Ha! Today is the $31 m Lotto Draw! And above is a pic of one of the luckiest Newsagent selling Lotto - the Fourm one. They are so popular that there are four long Qs at the tellers and they even offer a lucky draw for 2 brand new cars if you buy a ticket! On the background of course are two persons who are thinking whether to make more investment in the super draw!!!!In ACA last night, it was reported that one of the five most common numbers to be drawn was 40! Ha!Ha! Do you have it on your ticket?
And after the splurge on the Draw, a modest meal of Chicken Berani. It is twice the Singapore price and does not come separate with a large chicken drumstick. Just chopped chicken bits. But must be honest it was quite palatable. Singapore news. Garmen giving rebates for ultilities after announcing price increases. The amount in 2011 will offset the increases as it starts from $45 per year depending on the flat type. Also the body of the missing man in the Mersing ferry tragedy was found washed up in Bintang... unusual accordingly to police. In Australia the Qlds floods are getting very bad as the whole town of Emerald may be submerged. Also bedbugs and head lice is on increase due to summer heat. So Sarge Wen went on a pest hunt. For the flies, so far the fly paper has caught one!
Then there was the sound of patter on the attic. So we consulted Agatha Christie on what to do.

According to Sarge Wen, the secret bait is peanut butter. Hope he doesn't end up trapping Joe Black!
The indianboyfriend found that while  the cheapest grocer shop is Spudshed, the cheapest consumer and household shop is Big W ( W for Warehouse or WOW?) The cheap table fan which Sarge Wen bought for his parents is sold at $17 there - $8 cheaper!!!And Japanese slippers going at $1.00 - knocked Rivers down flat for sure.
Today is New year's eve and a historic moment for sure as we enter into 2011 - the second decade of the 21st century! Stay up late and watch over Telly how the various countries all over the year welcome the new year. As finally for you book worms, Catch of the Day is offer the Sony e-reader foir $149 - $50 less than retail price. It seems this equipment can read continuously up to 7 days, that is your eyes can last that long.
Welcome in the new Year and check your Lotto carefully!!! Good Luck and have a great year ahead!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Family Meals

Ha!Ha! The first video via the indianboyfriend's new laptop. Fire, Fire burning bright,like the flies buzzing in the night! Unfortunately according to Kaledoscop3, the burning charcoal were not placed in the proper sequence so Sarge Wen had to replace it with a gas burner.
Look at the yummy Korean Barbeque. Crunchy baby carrots and Angela's special sesame leave to wrap around. The procedure is simple. Say Open sesemane and the leave opens. Then try to steal the meat roasted by someone else and all the treasures go down the cave into the stomach! But to emulate the fable completely you have to be called Ali Baba and have forty guests!!!!
And these are the beneficiaries of the Korean BBQ...With the right chilli paste on the leave ( you are suppose to double layer the leave with cabbage), it became a delightful munch for sure!

Then there is the family lunch with Lta Ennoying and Kin at the recommended Tim Sum restaurant in Chinatown... The fried cuttle fish stole the day although everyone nibble at the bak bao!
Seeing is believing. Ever since the indianboyfriend landed in Perth, he has been heard tales about the wonder thermal mixer. Well, the Langfordians are going camping this weekend and they have brought the wonder for the Beattyans to babysit. But first a demonstation that beat Jamie's 30 min meal. It's soya bean milk in 11
minutes - one minute to crush the beans and 10 minutes to blend the juice. Here is the outcome which is quite authentic except it is a little thin.

And surprise, surprise, soya bean curd followed and it was pretty good except a little too much gelatine.

And what to do after all the eating? Why set up the Xmas present which came handy during the evening BBQ! Back in Singapore, electricity bills are set to rise in 2011! Lucky only about $3 for 4 room flat. The 2011 welcome bash will be held in Marina Bay on Friday. In Perth petrol prices have rocketed. Today is Thursday and one day away from New Year's Eve. It's 14 days into the Indianboyfriend's retirement which so far feels more like going on annual leave! Perth TV is been pretty okay and last night there was this Swedish movie on an elderly couple with Alhziemer's disease on the man's part. The tragic part is that the woman divorced at a late age to be with the musician. The movie protrays alhziemers disease as crippling as cancer or any other critical ilness. The person you  know is gone.
Today's temp is okay ( saved by the room fan last night again) and have a great day on the eve of new year's eve.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

See pei Song!

Probably the best buy for summer like the long pants for winter. Last night sleep see pei song! Sarge Wen brought us to Office Works and got it in a post Christmas sale for $24! If you think it was cheap, the standing revolving plan in the hall is only $14! But alas it took 4 people to set it up: one to find the missing bolt, another to hold the cage in position, one to piece the parts together and one to sit around and cheer the team on. Also the luxury of afternoon naps will be see pei song too!!!
See pei chiat! That it the siew yoke that was made in Busselton and travelled all the way back to Perth. It was the key dish in the meal last night.
Ha!Ha! We have part of Justin and paert of mybakuteh as the photographer is edged to the wall. That was not all... avacodo ice cream followed for desert and the continuation of Saving Private Ryan!
See Pei Ho! Morning got Chee Cheong Fun to eat also. Compliments from Kaledoscop3. And how about lunch yesterday since we are talking about food all the time?

See Pei Sng! That is the assam gulai fish we had at the Nyonya restuarant in Vic Park - a recommendation by Lta Ennoying according to Sarge Wen. It was tops for the chai kway teo which we ate too much and the tow Hoo.Back home in Singapore a Trainee Teacher is charged with having sex with two underaged girls. One of them, 12 , was discovered when she became pregnant and it was found the teacher was not the biological father! In Perth, the tragic death of two persons at Penguin island is the headlines. Apparently they waded over the sandbar and when the water came up to their necks, two of them drowned. We had been there before and when we crossed the highest point was the water up to the waist. It's back go work for many today before another long break over New Year's Eve. But for Perth, there will be no more Sales as the retail shops will have to closed for three days!
But life is more than shopping so plan to have a great day!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Cool of the Garden

The heat yesterday was at 40 degrees high and it was like opening an oven door each time you get out to the open! And the Garden at Beatty is hot and cool!!! Hot because the dry spell has caused the hot chillies to fruit profusely! And cool because it was nice to have a dinner there like last evening.
Ha!Ha! The outdoor set put to good use for sure. The only uninvited guests were the flies and believe me, we killed quite a handful but none fell into the soup! It is remarkable that the temp suddenly falls in the evening. By the way it is bright at 5 am and still bright at 8 pm now in Summer.

And how was the Christmas weekend at Busselton? Well the Abbey resort was just fabulous. There are three bedrooms with three showers and toilets, inhouse movies 24 hours, two outdoor and on indoor swimming pool. And a Christmas luncheon at the Cafe for $150/- which we went just to look at the menu.
Oh, it is next to the beach which has jellfish, sand flies and no fish. But they hire two sting rays to swim the beach to put up a show there are fishes there.

And this is Sarge Wen trying all kinds of lure to catch something but got nothing in the end. On the last day, we did no even go to the beach to fish. Kaledoscop3 and Lins had a better idea - they went to town to buy seafood.
And there was a nice BBQ pit for the sea food to be cooked.. Well not all are sea food as the above is kangaroo meat. Kept jumping up and down when it was cooking. And off course, everyone had hiccups after eating and hopping made.

Look at the scenic lake next to the chalet with ducks swimming everywhere. And the fishless beach. The trick to get to the beach at about 7 pm when the sun is down and it suddenly becomes cool. Busselton is about 2 hours drive from Perth. Unfortunately the Jetty is closed and not much fishing could be done. Image the hard work of 9 Taylor rigs not being put to use!
                                         Having said everything, it was a extremely relaxing family Christmas. We almost watched all the 10 DVD Kaledoscop3 brought and the five books from Sarge Wen.
                                         Praise to be to God for a wonderful Christmas.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas at Dunsborough

Ha!Ha! Sarge Wen was on call yesterday and managed to go to Ranger to fill up the tackle box. Look at the great deal rod and reel he bought. $50! When the indianboyfriend wanted to re-reel,the over enthusiastic sales person showed us samples of the line and the prices deterred us. $90 for a replacement reel. We finally settled for a 13 line. But tackle replacment is not cheap. A Taylor tackle is $6 each and when we decided to buy the parts and make our own, we found we actually suffered a set back of $4 after tying up 9 jigs at home! Sarge Wen was intenting to do some squid jigging so got a nice black lure. Then it was lunch at Spenser... and while the recommended Mee pok was good, the vietnamese chicken noodles was the winner!
And petrol prices are shooting up to about $1.37 all aroung. In Singapore, it spiked too to $2.09. Lucky sold the car away!!!!
This morning, we are rendevous-ing at Kaledoscop3's place before going to Spud shed to fill up supplies. Wonderful the whole family is going at least for today and tomorrow. Pray for a safe journey and blessed family time!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lia Ka Chng He !

A satisfying dinner for sure at yi tou mee fan shop! The fish was saved from a after death steaming due to poor response from the invited guests so Sarge Wen decided on the culinary excursion. The Assam fish was practically tentalising and the the fish head needless to say was heavenly. Got tah bao some more! On the way back check the fishing watch which said sunset is 8.20 pm which was about right. Looks like Sarge Web set the longitude right!
MrTeo came to Perth after visiting Henderson Cre! The indianboyfriend meant Mr Teo bai peow. Sold the car and bought the selling price - missed by 100 numbers for first prize on Sat and told Lee about it. Lee bought the number on Sunday and came out starters! Ha!Ha! better keep ticket safely. Also put the $31 M draw for Lotto next to the winning ticket so Mr Teo may use it as the next visiting address!! COE in Singapore has shot to $72K or $47 for 1600 cc and below. A compact car costs $13,000 drive away in Perth. You can buy 3 compacts here for a COE - even before you can buy a car in Singapore. Well as promised, here is the fishing trip on Tuesday - it came with a free night's stay at Canningvale and hot coffee for brekky!
Ha!Ha! Goh tiam wake up man! Look at the Sunrise over Canning river.

That's the boat. There are 20 people fishing on one side so it is all chance as all 20 lines are dropped down using the same equipment and bait. The skipper does not seem to know where the biggies are. The indianboyfriend was the first to make a catch ( blush.. he did not know he got one until he reeled up). It was a fair size fish but before he could say anything, the Skipper said, "Oh, it's bait fish" and started to cut it up.

There goes the steamed dinner. But surprisingly  despite the advertisement, the biggest fish is an emperor fish.

Ha1Ha! But there is not all. Look at these two fishes which Kaledoscop3 had a hard time to identify.

Ha!Ha! They looked bigger than real life. Here is a pic for perspective.

After some search, Kaledoscop3 found out what the red fish was. Black arse snapper or oh ka chng fish! Reason is the ka chng is black! Look at this one from the web to compare the comparability.

Jiang or not man?Anyway the fishes have been scaled and are waiting to be steamed - kam chai fish! But alamak, learnt a few things about preparation for the trip. Forgot to bring phone, sunscreen and shaver! As afraid of bang sigh, so did not eat breakfast except for Kaledoscop3 nice coffee. On board, they offered muffins for brekky but dared not eat also in case bang into the sea. When lunch came, continued fishing as there was great expectation back home. Then found out no more rolls left! Went to ask Skippy but no there was no more and no left over muffins. Luckily Kaledocop3 packed a cut mango which became lunch, accompanied by a can of coca cola! Alamak the reel very tiring - big round ones and already feel weak. Image it is a 60 m dropped and you have to reel this up this time. Anyway, as no one caught anything, the skipper extended the fishing time. Because of this Kaledoscop3 had to wait one hour at the jetty with great expectations off course!
Will the indianboyfriend go again! The answer is yes but will be more prepared, especially to go with a standby lunch pack! Well it more fishing tales coming out as we head for Dunsborough on Friday for the Christmas holidays! Don't fret over the COE - the public system in Singapore is pretty good - believe the indianboyfriend as he has tried it over the few days last week ( although he got no refund for the bus overcharge)! Enjoy your last minute Christmas shopping and do go down to Orchard road for a  purple Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas is Family!

Christmas came early this year in Perth as we had the Christmas dinner last night. It was a wonderful meal with the family and everyone went home well fed with satisfying pressies. Look at the Tree with the pressies before distribution!
Everyone is tucking in. There were fresh oysters as entries and learned that mybakuteh quietly slid down four! And where did all the dine food come from?
First the chicken from the special all-in-one cooker from Langford. In no time, Lta Ennoying went to carve up the tasty chicken for all to sample!

Then there was the leg of ham from Kaledoscop3. It was a winner for sure and someone said the outside looked like pineapple tarts. But the real wonder was the giant prawns. Big juicy, head suckable, and with meat tasting as good as lobsters! Wondered who ate three! And what is a meal without soup! Probably the best mushroom soup comes from Justin who zealously threw in mashed potatoes also. And they were completed lapped up!

And the grand finale was the desert from Sian! Three courses of tasty deserts: the Cheese Cake which is deceptively white ( red and green inside), the Log Cake which mybakuteh loves, and the lemon pastries! And it was one full days work from office to get this act of love!!!!
Then it was pressie opening time. MC Sarge Wen gave out the pressies as everyone waited with bated breath. Seems everyone got what they wanted - cooking for Kaledoscop3, gardening for Lins, BBQ for Sarge Wen, and fishing for the indianboyfriend. In fact, he has got 3 fishing books - one on identification, one on where to fish and one on catch and cook! There is the fishing jacket and a fishing watch to tell when is the best time to fish... but you got to punch in the latitude and longitude into the watch!

And here are the anxious people waiting for their pressies! Lta Ennoying thought he got a poo picker but it turned out to be a BBQ scraper!The most popular was the travelling  twisting neck rest from Kaledoscop3 where there were four beneficiaries to this uique gift!
Christmas is for the family and it was a perfect Christmas meal until Sarge Wen stopped all activity and use this iphone apps to play amazing grace. But it was an appropiate song for Christmas,wasn't it?
Lastest in Perth... heard young Pirate sprained one his his legs and is now hopping around with one eye and three legs!Stick around and hear about the indianboyfriend's  deep fishing trip!
Have a great day!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Back to Perth

Ha!Ha! Before you can say jack robinson, the indianboyfriend is back in Perth. And in the Summer heat. The temp last night on arrival was 27 degrees but the wind made it quite cool. Lta Ennoying and mybakuteh was already there when the indianboyfriend walked out. The indianboyfriend was given a 10C seat which has the other two seats vacant so it was a nice snooze during the flight. When the plane landed it was out to the immigration - the first one and then with no food, it was out of the door! Kudos to Australian immigrant. But cannot say much about the the indian passenger who made a complaint and create a ruckus on board causing the plane to leave half an hour late! No consideration for others obviously.
When the Beatty house has undergo some change. There is a beautiful garden set in yard fit for a good evening meal or barbeque. Ha!Ha! Got all the pressies in but no Christmas Tree up yet. But leave it to the Retiree Bee!!!!
Tomolo is the Christmas dinner and also the big finishing trip if there is no gusty wind. Looks like this will be the longest stay in Perth - 33 days.Today is Monday- Work hard everyone in office while the indianboyfriend takes it easy at home!!! Ha!Ha!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bo Tao lo liao

Today is the last Day at Work!Ha!Ha! has a sumptious company lunch at Sushi Tei yesterday and over-ordered so tai bao the eel rice back for dinner.. no chai png last night! And Suprise, surprise, got watch from company also! At the end of the day, the call centre also gave a collective present.

Ha!Ha! A 320 gb external drive! Also gave a nice CD with historical pictures. Well it will be lots of goodbyes today and hope to leave office after lunch.
Perth news... the crashed boat at Christmas island is getting lots of attention in the press. Also there is a bounty harvet of stone fruits with prices falling! Yummy apricots, peaches and nectarines!!!Just in time for the indianboyfriend to feast on! A quick sums showed the indianboyfriend has worked for 44 continuous years. Started at 18 after completing the Bible College. At Yishun, got the mail box key done at Raffles place. $5!!!! But it fitted like a glove. Company taking back the laptop, so have to put Toby into action!!!!
Today is Thursday 16 - an auspicious day for sure - the last day to work!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hard Rock Doughnuts!

Ha!Ha! Put the doughnut in the microwave for 2 mins and it melted like wax and became as hard as stone. This morning learnt the hard way and microwave bread for 30 secs and came out nice and warm! There is a Yishun train at 6.20 am that starts from Yishun. Caught the empty train the second time this morning, had a good seat and read the papers completely!
Local news.. there are more exhibitionists lurking in Singapore as a naked man was spotted in McDonald  in Queenstown. He was of course arrested.
Perth news.. garmen wants to curb gambling by limiting pokies to $1! Hmm... mybakuteh cannot play Animal realms anymore !!!Seems report says 80% of the 22m Aussie gambled at least once a year on pokies. And more money is spent on pokies in clubs than casinos!!!The good Lord continues to heal and there is no more bleeding. Today is 2nd last day!Hmm.. then got to squeeze everything into the 10 kg bag for Sunday. Today got HR lunch at Sushi Tei. Will order the Dragon roll and sashimi set!!!!Oh yes last night was ironing nite. Gave away the Bonsai plant to Lee for adoption. And for a change it was not chai png last night but ekkk! Nasi berani!!! Got to exercise today.. Talking about exercise, there winner of Asia Lose to Win actually lost 77kg within 3 months. He was 150 before and looked like a fatty blog and now slim and handsome. Hats off to him for sure. Then there is a case of a woman here who went for eye treatment and pharmacy gave wrong medicine. Gave dental glue instead and eyes got stuck and had to rush to hospital to flush then. How can got like that man!!!!Hope they do not employ illiterate farmers in the pharmacy!!!
Heard the Christmas Dinner may be postpone to Tuesday. Ha!Ha! By then may be got steamed King Snapper to eat! Enjoy the midweek!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Praise the Healing Lord!

Ha!Ha! The disgusting mee-siam in the Yishun Swimming pool. All this big talk about walking to Safra fizzled out when the sun can out. Sneaked into the Yishun swimming pool and suffered the use of cold shower ( have to use one hand to press too to get the water out!). But it was near and convenient and got mee-siam to eat. Reminds the indianboyfriend of the old Civil Service club days when Sarge Wen went there to swim and the highlight was the mee siam!!!
Take bus also got problem. The card went red tit tit and the driver said I got no money in card and asked for $1 cash. Luckily got the money from the cracked piggy bank. Went to MRT to check and found credit is $95!!!
Praise the Lord for the successful day surgery. It took the whole morning but glad it was all over. Had MC yesterday.
2 more Days to go! Ha! Ha!How time flies. Did laundry last night and Lee is coming over for the ironing night. Now no more car.. ta bus all the way man! Today got seat in the MRT and read finish the papers on the way here. Local news... the bride who killed herself after the husband fell and died at Hilton hotel was given a verdict of suicide. She leave behind volumes of diary on her struggle with wanting to end her life. Last night Dream plotters was prerrty good. This man is 69 years old and is on diabetic dialysis three times a week and has a retarded 43 daughter to look after. Yet he stoically treasure and live life the best. And one his is wish is just to have milk to drink every day as he had a stroke and cannot swallow. A kind lady contributed a life long supply of milk for him. He wished to visit his daughter at the Bishan home monthly and a kind dream plotter offered to drive him there every month! Singapore has lots of kind people for sure.
Oh yes, got my Impact magazine but did not open it until last night. Found a subscription bill inside! Morale of the story: Read you magazine when you get them!
Today is Tuesday and Praise God for his goodness.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Goodbye Trixy!

The deal is done! Trixy is sold! And the process is interesting. You go to this company and pay them $100. They take pictures of your car and post it on a website where 150 brokers are members. Then they bid and give you the highest bidder. If you can sell the car else 1% higher than the bid price, they will refund your $100! And how much? Well enough to buy a new Jazz in Perth.. Ha!Ha! No COE there for sure.
Sucks Hub is coming tonight again to fix the new problem. Better not buy their stocks. Company is getting from bad to worse. Well Friday is here and it is 6 Days to go. Have a great weekend and remember to buy the $1 bread at Spudshed!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

November Thursday

Alamak. This morning forgot to shave. Went to the kitchen to look for salt to gargle mouth but could not locate it. Then forgot to go back and shave. Any donations for the indianboyfriend?
Ha! Ha! SucksHub came last night and problem was a faulty plug issued by SucksHub. So no charge. But not long after the man has gone, there was a new problem. There is this pop up message. Luckily got his mobile and called him. He said polish the sim card. So the indianboyfriend faithfully polish it and then it went away but soon came back again. Hmm don't know if it is their trick to make me polish SucksHub!  Aiayah, think better cancer subscription lah. These people don't know what is good service. Like Jetstar send survey after survey on their survey to the indianboyfriend. What for when their service sucks and the flights are always late or cancelled.
Good.. er bad news... COE shot up to $42K for 1600 and below. That is 8,000 up from last month. Means to be entitled to buy a car, you have to pay up front $42K!  Hmm good time to see trusty Trixy?????
The cold is now developing into a husky cough. Lucky the doctor gave a bottle of cough syrup...Last night was ironing night and told Lee that one pullover had black marks all over even there was no running of colours. Then on second look it was not stained but the hairs of the pants! Ha!Ha! problem solved.
Today is Thursday and it's shopping night. Talking about shopping, the indianboyfriend has collected $100 vouchers ( Robinson) from the company so far.  Hmm 7 more days to go.. This month's paycheck is the last! Ha!Ha!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sa Chap Puay Ni leow!

Ha!Ha! Today is the indianboyfriend's wedding anniversary - 38 years. The restaurant we were married in in Queenstown - Golden Crown is still operating! Myabakuteh has to wait for her pressie. Remembered one year it was celebrated in Seoul Korea and the indianboyfriend gave her an obian Guess wallet. Still saw it around!
The indianboyfriend is still nursing the cold despite the antihistemine and the longzes from the doctor. Funny - go see doctor and they ask for GE calendar!
Today is Wednesday - it is midweek and 8 more days. Local news... Singapore students top second in world evaluation but not who is first- Shanghai kids!
Alamak... last night jia pang men.. has to do night training. Tonight Lee jia ironing pang! The Starhub man is coming too! Thought of gagging him up and torture him for bad service after he fix the TV.
Have a great Day- it's our wedding anniversary after all!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Back to the Roaring Twenties!

Wah lau! Roaring Twenties in the garden backdrop for Kaledoscop3! That dress up was for a fancy Dress Xmas party. May be did not win because never carry the long cigarette holder with lighted cigarette! Or the white mink over the neck! But anyway, a jolly good effort. The other option is to go as Rapunzel but the hair bit will be a challenge for sure!
Deja Vu Jeannette Aw. The 9 pm show started last night and like the little Nyonia, Jeanetter was choked to death by her husband in the first chapter! The daughter grew up and lo and behold, Jeanette Aw is back into the serial! From the first episode, it did not looked like it is going to be too good. Also saw the Dream Plotter but this one was not so touching as it was more of helping the parents to renovate the house - more of Reno-Aid rather than tugging at your heart string. Mr Teoh visited yesterday and it was Teo song hong... Got a bad cold and dripping nose but went to doctor to get medicine. Alas.. no mc. But also good. Did not want to break my 13 year record with the company for not taking a single day of MC! Gaw or Sar????
Today is Tuesday and finally gave Starhub one last chance. The technician will
visit Wednesday night. If it is Starhub fault free and not, $30/-. Did the laundry last night and Lee will be here on Wednesday. When the man comes we will lock the door and he will not leave until he fixes it. The final step is to cease subscription! Ha!Ha! Customer very powerful.
Finally found out I have two children leaving in and one in Pert yesterday. The onle living in Pert actually speaks cantonese! Mo siew leh!!!
Have a great day!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ko Chap Jit leh bo tao lo

Hmm.. this is the farewell gift I got which I told mybakuteh. A box of batik cloth..Wonder what I could do with it! Ha! Ha!
Yesterday was the Standard Chartered Marathon and Sports woman Lee went for the 30 Km run. The winners are as expected the Kenyan for both man and women section. The Kenyan woman won $66K prize money and blamed the heat for not doing her usual best time. Alamak found out thet ran through Universal Studios... Should have signed up and then disappear into the toilets and change into a customer for free. The Readers' Digest this issue differentiates between a frugal and cheap skate. A frugal person buys a senior citizen card and travels on bus instead of Taxi. A cheap state taps his card once soon after he board the bus to get a lower fare!!!
10 more days to go and trying to bring the bulky things home day by day. Didn't know got so much rubbish. Still have problem with the Cable to fix up before I leave.  Hmm this is a sticky one and may have to rope in Lee to help with Technician visit.  Garmen now concerned over single elderly living along and dying without knowledge. This arose out of the recent case of a teacher who died of heart attack and was found out only 3 days later. Lee suggests that even at home to carry the mobile everywhere in case you slip and fall in the toilet. Even when you stay in a hotel. Yep you mobile may save you one day. Did not know the present 9 pm series has ended! Today is the new crime buster series with Janetter Aw playing a lead role. Meanwhile Felicia Chin has gone back to the Uni and says in interview she enjoys studying!
Today is Monday and it is going to be a great day. Enjoy

Friday, December 3, 2010

13 Days to Go!

Ha!Ha! Lee's doggy deal No 2 is bigger than theindianboyfriend thought. Hmm.. might be overloaded this time with the Xmas pressies... May have to stripped it of the box and just carry the bare stepper.
Mybakuteh kom lek.... The micro oven worked. Press the Reset twice and the red light comes on. But new situation. Why the soon kuay after 3 mins some parts very soft and some parts very hard? Too long I suppose.
Starhub is really hopeless. Went to change the box at 9.30 am and sign says it opens at 10.30 am. Where got shop in Singapore open at 10.30 am. Go again and they say exchange is in 5th floor. Then went there long queue! Finally got the box. Went home excitedly to power it up. Fixed cable wrongly got fuzzy image. Then got it right. But still the same thing. The box still blink when the controller is pressed ( blinkling box) but still no words appearing for navigation. Got another bad box for an existing bad one. Hmm  maybe should terminate the service.
Had a nice farewell dinner last night. The desert was special - or choot with one scoop of ice-cream. Taste pretty good.
Perth news.. Australia lost to host the World Cup in 2022 to Qatar. Alamak by then the indianboyfriend will be 74 years old - don't know got cataract or dementia - keep on asking "Did it goal just now".
Property tax is here. Heng ah heng ah now a HDB dweller.. only $60!!! The house is valued at $7000 which mean rental value is about $600 a month. How come agent stick posters everywhere say $1500?????
Today is Friday and weekend is here. Guess it is Spudshed for Kaledoscop3 and Mybakuteh... $1.00 bread.. incredible! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

NOw you know why they call it cable TV

Ha!Ha! Look at this super dental equipment Lee bought. A floss needle. Now no crevice will escape the flossing. The problem is it is so small and fragile, you may keep on misplacing it. Last night was ironing night and it was not a good session as the last wash included tissue paper in the pocket. That is what you get when you start taking tissue paper from hotels!!!
Super Technician Lee could only manipulate the TV from channel 5 to channel 8. Got all the cables from the control box and will lug it to Starhub exchange today. So much cables. Kia so to make two trips so all wires are pulled out. (Hope know how to fix back!)
Ha!Ha! Tonight is retirement dinner hostee by boss. Two tables at Chinese restaurant. 14 days more to go only!
Fancy going to the pool yesterday and forgot the goggles. Funny thing is to forget to put on the lotion when is brought and then not putting the specs in the locker. Everything also forgot. Then use the spare mickey mouse one and water keep on flowing in. Alas.. talking about dementia. Could not find the favourite belt. Swore it was on the pants when the indianboyfriend changed. Then search and search. This morning found it hanging where the ties are!!!
Talking about search, can never know how to press the right button for the microwave so the red light will come on. Everytime anyhow press here and there until the light lits.. Hmm there must be a standard procedure for sure!
Today is Thursday and it will be another great day for sure!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Got Locked out!

Ha!Ha! End of the Charity drive and this is how Sarge Wen should look like!
It was sure a noble cause!
Alamak, got locked out! Not out of the house but out of the office PC. So cannot access system until now. Today is Wednesday, ironing day and did the laundry last night. Now the indianboyfriend is an expert on micro-wave. Got piping hot cha tow kway this morning! Starhub called and advised don;t know what hang chu saying to switch to AV. AV has no signals. Called this morning again and they say bring box to change. At last someone say something sensible. Unless Top shot Technican Lee can resolve it to night.
Now bringing things back bit by bit as planning to put the trusty Matrix up for sale soon.
Today is already midweek. Have a great day for sure!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cannot Fly Lite Anymore!

Look what the indianboyfriend got for a retirement gift from his colleagues on personal basis! A 29 inch luggage. Think can put in the doggy guitar deal too! It is so big that it just fits into the car luggage compartment! Branded also man... Elle...On top of this 2 Dec is the personal luncheon given by them. The company HR also give one but this is on the 9 Dec...
16 Days more days to go, Man!!!
Local news... the Singapore Polo team was tasked for wear trunks made of Singapore Flag design by the garmen... Say it is disrespect especially when the stars touch the groin part!!!! In Perth NAB has restored all the accounts access. Lucky never bank with NAB. The lesson is to have more than one account in case it happens again!!!Managed to to get back to lunch time swim again but the long absence makes the 10 laps a little harder.  Liao more liu leh. Went to buy batteries for the TV and still cannot work!!! But Channel 8 quiet good to watch. Got angry with Starhub yesterday so call up and cancel HBO. If cannot fix it, may just cancel cable all together. Come to think about it, the only program the indianboyfriend watch is Monster Fish... Mybakuteh watches mainly cooking shows and CSI maybe...TV Tecnician Lee is coming over Wed to do a prognosis. But have a feeling have to bring the control set to exchange as it happened last time. Heard that Sarge Wen is having the sore throat now... Hope he is better today.
Today is Tuesday and make it another great Day!