Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Praise the Healing Lord!

Ha!Ha! The disgusting mee-siam in the Yishun Swimming pool. All this big talk about walking to Safra fizzled out when the sun can out. Sneaked into the Yishun swimming pool and suffered the use of cold shower ( have to use one hand to press too to get the water out!). But it was near and convenient and got mee-siam to eat. Reminds the indianboyfriend of the old Civil Service club days when Sarge Wen went there to swim and the highlight was the mee siam!!!
Take bus also got problem. The card went red tit tit and the driver said I got no money in card and asked for $1 cash. Luckily got the money from the cracked piggy bank. Went to MRT to check and found credit is $95!!!
Praise the Lord for the successful day surgery. It took the whole morning but glad it was all over. Had MC yesterday.
2 more Days to go! Ha! Ha!How time flies. Did laundry last night and Lee is coming over for the ironing night. Now no more car.. ta bus all the way man! Today got seat in the MRT and read finish the papers on the way here. Local news... the bride who killed herself after the husband fell and died at Hilton hotel was given a verdict of suicide. She leave behind volumes of diary on her struggle with wanting to end her life. Last night Dream plotters was prerrty good. This man is 69 years old and is on diabetic dialysis three times a week and has a retarded 43 daughter to look after. Yet he stoically treasure and live life the best. And one his is wish is just to have milk to drink every day as he had a stroke and cannot swallow. A kind lady contributed a life long supply of milk for him. He wished to visit his daughter at the Bishan home monthly and a kind dream plotter offered to drive him there every month! Singapore has lots of kind people for sure.
Oh yes, got my Impact magazine but did not open it until last night. Found a subscription bill inside! Morale of the story: Read you magazine when you get them!
Today is Tuesday and Praise God for his goodness.

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