Thursday, December 2, 2010

NOw you know why they call it cable TV

Ha!Ha! Look at this super dental equipment Lee bought. A floss needle. Now no crevice will escape the flossing. The problem is it is so small and fragile, you may keep on misplacing it. Last night was ironing night and it was not a good session as the last wash included tissue paper in the pocket. That is what you get when you start taking tissue paper from hotels!!!
Super Technician Lee could only manipulate the TV from channel 5 to channel 8. Got all the cables from the control box and will lug it to Starhub exchange today. So much cables. Kia so to make two trips so all wires are pulled out. (Hope know how to fix back!)
Ha!Ha! Tonight is retirement dinner hostee by boss. Two tables at Chinese restaurant. 14 days more to go only!
Fancy going to the pool yesterday and forgot the goggles. Funny thing is to forget to put on the lotion when is brought and then not putting the specs in the locker. Everything also forgot. Then use the spare mickey mouse one and water keep on flowing in. Alas.. talking about dementia. Could not find the favourite belt. Swore it was on the pants when the indianboyfriend changed. Then search and search. This morning found it hanging where the ties are!!!
Talking about search, can never know how to press the right button for the microwave so the red light will come on. Everytime anyhow press here and there until the light lits.. Hmm there must be a standard procedure for sure!
Today is Thursday and it will be another great day for sure!

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