Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lia Ka Chng He !

A satisfying dinner for sure at yi tou mee fan shop! The fish was saved from a after death steaming due to poor response from the invited guests so Sarge Wen decided on the culinary excursion. The Assam fish was practically tentalising and the the fish head needless to say was heavenly. Got tah bao some more! On the way back check the fishing watch which said sunset is 8.20 pm which was about right. Looks like Sarge Web set the longitude right!
MrTeo came to Perth after visiting Henderson Cre! The indianboyfriend meant Mr Teo bai peow. Sold the car and bought the selling price - missed by 100 numbers for first prize on Sat and told Lee about it. Lee bought the number on Sunday and came out starters! Ha!Ha! better keep ticket safely. Also put the $31 M draw for Lotto next to the winning ticket so Mr Teo may use it as the next visiting address!! COE in Singapore has shot to $72K or $47 for 1600 cc and below. A compact car costs $13,000 drive away in Perth. You can buy 3 compacts here for a COE - even before you can buy a car in Singapore. Well as promised, here is the fishing trip on Tuesday - it came with a free night's stay at Canningvale and hot coffee for brekky!
Ha!Ha! Goh tiam wake up man! Look at the Sunrise over Canning river.

That's the boat. There are 20 people fishing on one side so it is all chance as all 20 lines are dropped down using the same equipment and bait. The skipper does not seem to know where the biggies are. The indianboyfriend was the first to make a catch ( blush.. he did not know he got one until he reeled up). It was a fair size fish but before he could say anything, the Skipper said, "Oh, it's bait fish" and started to cut it up.

There goes the steamed dinner. But surprisingly  despite the advertisement, the biggest fish is an emperor fish.

Ha1Ha! But there is not all. Look at these two fishes which Kaledoscop3 had a hard time to identify.

Ha!Ha! They looked bigger than real life. Here is a pic for perspective.

After some search, Kaledoscop3 found out what the red fish was. Black arse snapper or oh ka chng fish! Reason is the ka chng is black! Look at this one from the web to compare the comparability.

Jiang or not man?Anyway the fishes have been scaled and are waiting to be steamed - kam chai fish! But alamak, learnt a few things about preparation for the trip. Forgot to bring phone, sunscreen and shaver! As afraid of bang sigh, so did not eat breakfast except for Kaledoscop3 nice coffee. On board, they offered muffins for brekky but dared not eat also in case bang into the sea. When lunch came, continued fishing as there was great expectation back home. Then found out no more rolls left! Went to ask Skippy but no there was no more and no left over muffins. Luckily Kaledocop3 packed a cut mango which became lunch, accompanied by a can of coca cola! Alamak the reel very tiring - big round ones and already feel weak. Image it is a 60 m dropped and you have to reel this up this time. Anyway, as no one caught anything, the skipper extended the fishing time. Because of this Kaledoscop3 had to wait one hour at the jetty with great expectations off course!
Will the indianboyfriend go again! The answer is yes but will be more prepared, especially to go with a standby lunch pack! Well it more fishing tales coming out as we head for Dunsborough on Friday for the Christmas holidays! Don't fret over the COE - the public system in Singapore is pretty good - believe the indianboyfriend as he has tried it over the few days last week ( although he got no refund for the bus overcharge)! Enjoy your last minute Christmas shopping and do go down to Orchard road for a  purple Christmas!

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