Thursday, December 30, 2010

Family Meals

Ha!Ha! The first video via the indianboyfriend's new laptop. Fire, Fire burning bright,like the flies buzzing in the night! Unfortunately according to Kaledoscop3, the burning charcoal were not placed in the proper sequence so Sarge Wen had to replace it with a gas burner.
Look at the yummy Korean Barbeque. Crunchy baby carrots and Angela's special sesame leave to wrap around. The procedure is simple. Say Open sesemane and the leave opens. Then try to steal the meat roasted by someone else and all the treasures go down the cave into the stomach! But to emulate the fable completely you have to be called Ali Baba and have forty guests!!!!
And these are the beneficiaries of the Korean BBQ...With the right chilli paste on the leave ( you are suppose to double layer the leave with cabbage), it became a delightful munch for sure!

Then there is the family lunch with Lta Ennoying and Kin at the recommended Tim Sum restaurant in Chinatown... The fried cuttle fish stole the day although everyone nibble at the bak bao!
Seeing is believing. Ever since the indianboyfriend landed in Perth, he has been heard tales about the wonder thermal mixer. Well, the Langfordians are going camping this weekend and they have brought the wonder for the Beattyans to babysit. But first a demonstation that beat Jamie's 30 min meal. It's soya bean milk in 11
minutes - one minute to crush the beans and 10 minutes to blend the juice. Here is the outcome which is quite authentic except it is a little thin.

And surprise, surprise, soya bean curd followed and it was pretty good except a little too much gelatine.

And what to do after all the eating? Why set up the Xmas present which came handy during the evening BBQ! Back in Singapore, electricity bills are set to rise in 2011! Lucky only about $3 for 4 room flat. The 2011 welcome bash will be held in Marina Bay on Friday. In Perth petrol prices have rocketed. Today is Thursday and one day away from New Year's Eve. It's 14 days into the Indianboyfriend's retirement which so far feels more like going on annual leave! Perth TV is been pretty okay and last night there was this Swedish movie on an elderly couple with Alhziemer's disease on the man's part. The tragic part is that the woman divorced at a late age to be with the musician. The movie protrays alhziemers disease as crippling as cancer or any other critical ilness. The person you  know is gone.
Today's temp is okay ( saved by the room fan last night again) and have a great day on the eve of new year's eve.

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