Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bo Tao lo liao

Today is the last Day at Work!Ha!Ha! has a sumptious company lunch at Sushi Tei yesterday and over-ordered so tai bao the eel rice back for dinner.. no chai png last night! And Suprise, surprise, got watch from company also! At the end of the day, the call centre also gave a collective present.

Ha!Ha! A 320 gb external drive! Also gave a nice CD with historical pictures. Well it will be lots of goodbyes today and hope to leave office after lunch.
Perth news... the crashed boat at Christmas island is getting lots of attention in the press. Also there is a bounty harvet of stone fruits with prices falling! Yummy apricots, peaches and nectarines!!!Just in time for the indianboyfriend to feast on! A quick sums showed the indianboyfriend has worked for 44 continuous years. Started at 18 after completing the Bible College. At Yishun, got the mail box key done at Raffles place. $5!!!! But it fitted like a glove. Company taking back the laptop, so have to put Toby into action!!!!
Today is Thursday 16 - an auspicious day for sure - the last day to work!

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