Monday, December 6, 2010

Ko Chap Jit leh bo tao lo

Hmm.. this is the farewell gift I got which I told mybakuteh. A box of batik cloth..Wonder what I could do with it! Ha! Ha!
Yesterday was the Standard Chartered Marathon and Sports woman Lee went for the 30 Km run. The winners are as expected the Kenyan for both man and women section. The Kenyan woman won $66K prize money and blamed the heat for not doing her usual best time. Alamak found out thet ran through Universal Studios... Should have signed up and then disappear into the toilets and change into a customer for free. The Readers' Digest this issue differentiates between a frugal and cheap skate. A frugal person buys a senior citizen card and travels on bus instead of Taxi. A cheap state taps his card once soon after he board the bus to get a lower fare!!!
10 more days to go and trying to bring the bulky things home day by day. Didn't know got so much rubbish. Still have problem with the Cable to fix up before I leave.  Hmm this is a sticky one and may have to rope in Lee to help with Technician visit.  Garmen now concerned over single elderly living along and dying without knowledge. This arose out of the recent case of a teacher who died of heart attack and was found out only 3 days later. Lee suggests that even at home to carry the mobile everywhere in case you slip and fall in the toilet. Even when you stay in a hotel. Yep you mobile may save you one day. Did not know the present 9 pm series has ended! Today is the new crime buster series with Janetter Aw playing a lead role. Meanwhile Felicia Chin has gone back to the Uni and says in interview she enjoys studying!
Today is Monday and it is going to be a great day. Enjoy

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