Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas at Dunsborough

Ha!Ha! Sarge Wen was on call yesterday and managed to go to Ranger to fill up the tackle box. Look at the great deal rod and reel he bought. $50! When the indianboyfriend wanted to re-reel,the over enthusiastic sales person showed us samples of the line and the prices deterred us. $90 for a replacement reel. We finally settled for a 13 line. But tackle replacment is not cheap. A Taylor tackle is $6 each and when we decided to buy the parts and make our own, we found we actually suffered a set back of $4 after tying up 9 jigs at home! Sarge Wen was intenting to do some squid jigging so got a nice black lure. Then it was lunch at Spenser... and while the recommended Mee pok was good, the vietnamese chicken noodles was the winner!
And petrol prices are shooting up to about $1.37 all aroung. In Singapore, it spiked too to $2.09. Lucky sold the car away!!!!
This morning, we are rendevous-ing at Kaledoscop3's place before going to Spud shed to fill up supplies. Wonderful the whole family is going at least for today and tomorrow. Pray for a safe journey and blessed family time!

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