Saturday, March 31, 2012

Autumn is here! Look at the fresh dew drops on the grass in the morning. And the rains will be here for the next week. Had to pull out the longs last night to sleep as the temp dropped to 11 degrees in the night!
Went to airport to meet Kaledoscop3 yesterday. Alamat! Plane delayed to 3.25 pm. Then mybakuteh waited for them to exit. The Malaysians came out in droves but no sign of them. Ah, maybe Lins is buying duty free and is undecided what to buy... Then alamat, the stewards came out. Maybe they are under custom check for declarating some rare plant from Wales... Still no sign... alamat.. pilot came out.. still cannot see them. Then quickly called Sarge Wen to message them. Really Alamat! Wrong day! Hmm.. managed to facetime with Kaledoscop3 later and got everything sorted out nicely.
Hmm now they are enjoying Hadendas ice cream in the VIP lounge in KL.
Ha!Ha! Today is Saturday and a slow day for all except Kaledoscop3!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

Well it is back to Perth with Sarge Wen dodging the parking inspector at the airport waiting for the indianboyfriend to clear customs. Going through was a breeze... the baskets, coffee, ikan bilis and fish floss sailed through. Tiger was pretty kind. It was a full flight yet the indianboyfriend had an empty row so he took what was most natural - an afternoon nap. And woke up to the nightmare of ordering army food!
And it is back to a cooler Perth. It has become darker at 6 am and more chilly. Mybakuteh's little garden is blooming. Look at the Wan swee! But looks like the chilly plant is going to be the first casualty.
Kaledoscop3 and Lins will soon be eating Sundae's! They are on the way back and will touch down at 3 pm today to end their trip of a life time. Wonder how their dinner at Heston went! Better be good given the price they are paying!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Going back Home

Today is the flight back. Made the last errand buy. Cloth gloves!
The bus came back last night by 8 pm and the Indian boyfriend was doing laundry at 8.45 pm! Travelling first time with iPad 3. Better download some games.
Meanwhile got more pics ( of hotel )of Wales from Kaledoscop3
Ugh! Have to eat Tiger food tonight!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Melaka on sale

Wah you can practically buy anything in Melaka. Got my double USB connector! Also went to see Hunger Games. Alamat! Senior concession only $6 ringgit. Then when time to go in they say they will not run the show if there was only one person! Remembered when the ticket was bought, all the seats were empty. Then luckily they checked and found there were 10 persons. But the book is better. Only good thing is you can visualise the characters. This morning went to eat authentic roti prata and teh kosong ( Malaysia like Thailand - sugar free one). Was shocked by the 3 ringgit bill! By the way the magnum the indianboyfriend had last night was 4 ringgit!
Got more pics from Kaledoscop3 and Lins. Both having a Wale of time in Wales.
Of course no shopping is complete without something for dear Hannah. Bought an Easter Kai Kai dress for her and also a sleeping one.
And talking about sharpeners,
Saw a cute one at the discount store.
Who would go to Melaka and buy a changkol? The Indianboyfriend of course. And a mini changkol for sure. Look at the incredible price tag! This is to plant the indianboyfriend's orange tree and mybakuteh's banana tree. Wonder if it will pass the Singapore custom? Here comes the Hatchet Man
Busy day today. Have to do the laundry late tonight! Looks like for Words with friends it will be a one-one draw. Hmm playing draw something with June Kong now.
Ha!ha! Princess won partly because of her earned TV popularity. We are sure to see those large eyes rolling pretty soon! ( to see full pic, you need to click on image )

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hannah in the flying Trapeze

It's not a walk in the park but a swing in the park. Look at Hannah who is delightfully happy.
And look at her enjoying herself on the swing!
Never seem to be enough of it for her!
Looks like her life is now spiced up with adventure trips!
Back in Singapore, the indianboyfriend passed the two exams! The first one was tricky as he has to struggled through the oral. The examiner was detailed and unfortunately the lecturer wasn't during the training. He was saved by the written portion! But he was told it did very well for the second paper!
Well the anxiety is all over and the mission accomplished.
Today is R & R - the trip to Melaka and then back home (Perth) on Thursday! It was a pretty tight trip this time to Singapore. And what about words with friends. The indianboyfriend is making good progress this time around but he wondered by people are do drawing something!
News from Kaledoscop3  at last!
Wah in Prague drinking. Don't know if it is beer and guiness stout or teh oh siu tai and kopi oh kao sui tai!
The lastest email says she in in Paris now and flying to London to go to Cardiff which is in Wales. This is the final leg of the super trip before she arrives home on this Friday!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mystery Solved

Sarge Wen's stamp found! It was left lying in the red luggage bag! It suddenly dawned on Lee that the stamp was not put on the table but lumped into the bag and brought to Yishun. Well all's well is not well. The indianboyfriend started packing the things and found it was just 15 kg. The baskets have to be hand carried and also the coffee packs! And the bad news is that while weighing the bag with the hand held weighing machine, the equipment broke and the measuring needle fell out of position. Unsalvagable for sure. See if can buy one in Melaka!
Super Sleuth or Absent Minded Sleuth had dinner with the indianboyfriend. The indianboyfriend asked if she wanted KFC and she said "Augh!"
Ni shuo qi kuai bu qi kuai... some people have craving recently and drove all the way to North Lake to buy KFC for dinner!!!
Dear Hannah has her first swimming lesson! Hmm.. need a cap to protect the fast growing hair! The indianboyfriend better go and see his banker to build a pool in the backyard. Ha!Ha! Then it will be the first play school with a swimming pool!More pics -
front crawl
Back stroke

Wall stroke!
Today is the judgement Day - wish the indianboyfriend the very best!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Don't know why so many people leh!

Alamat! Went to AMK to make keys and then saw this long queue. Don't know why so just join in for fun. Then found out what it was FOUR!!!
Hannah Minnie! Hmm wonder when she willbe ready to shake hands with Minnie the Mouse!
Today is stay at home and study day. Super Sleuth Lee is coming over to solve the mystery of the missing stamp!
Alamat, got butchered over Words with Friends with myabkuteh. She put all the words and got 6 points. Then again all the words with 108 pointds. Diu lian... better resign before getting beaten by the hundred margin.
It is also the Lord's Day. Time for church.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Warm feet for winter

Ha! Found the hotel Lisboa bedroom slippers! Everyone will have warm feet this winter! And the Galaxy hotel key chains.
Alamat! Kia sua you hia! Sat morning walk and walk all around town. Locksmith in AMK cannot duplicate the key as they do not have the same dummy key. Went to Chinatown. The key maker also say cannot. Then walk
Walk ask ask and then presto, found a master locksmith shop in chin Choo
Pasar . Then he say can do but the key head is not the same. Alamat can open
Okay already man. And only $1.50 each. A gem of a find. Then that is not all. The shop that changes battery for tag heur closed for renovation. Then went to Raffles city but Cortina does not have technician. Tag heur warranty and service open only on weekdays. Then walk to bras basah road and found a shop that could do it.
At the end of the morning , the Indian boyfriend was like the watch battery
- flat out!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Qi kuai bu qi kuai

Lee got the self-inking stamp for Sarge Wen and left it on the dining table. But the indianboyfriend search everywhere but cannot find it? Could there be a thief or did the cockroaches steal them during the night. Looks like she has to make another.
Last night was dinner with Lee at Tiong Bahru plaza. The mee Siam was the best in town. Only 3.50 compared to the 9.00 one at Spenser Village. And the Poh piah ... Got standard one.
Lee showed off her galaxy tab whic she uses as a phone too! And the wall paper is of course dear Hannah. Looks like she is tops again. Well got the ikan boils and now to make the keys at AMK and eat the unbloggerable food
Weekend is here and it's staying at home and mugging for exams!Monday is D Day!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thunder Storms

Ha! Ha! It was dark skies and thundering rumbles yesterday evening at Yishun. Like as if the heavens are bowling non stop.
Had some time to start on the shopping list. Ha! Ha! Fish floss has a 20% discount! No panadol rapid in Singapore despite the fast life style. People just want money so they have panadol extra! Alamat! cOE for 1600 cc and above is now 80,000 bucks! And people are still buying cars.
Found that the shop downstairs sell Tao in sure tai. Only 50 cuts one pack
- versus the $5 jug at Spenser village
Every day walk from Redhill MRT to Kay sing building, no need to exercise any more!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ta!Ta!The new Ipad 3

Ha!Ha! The new Ipad 3 revealed. Wah lou, very good pictures for sure and the screen resolution is crispy sharp.There is Diri, not Siri, D for dictation. No need for cordless keyboard. Just speak to the microphone and they will type the word for you.
And mybakuteh has lots of ready friends. Set up the face book account and invite friends, All responded overnight!
Funny thing. In Perth 6 am eyes open big big. Here at 6 am cannot wake up. Must be the course. Well another day of sitting down.

If Hannah was there, she would have put on her sunnies too and perhaps three head bands!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Back home!

Ha! Ha! The trip back was full and it was hardship all the way trying to sleep sitting up. Made a boo this morning by ordering luau Tiao soup. The man must be deal. Look what the indianboyfriend had for lunch. Look again as the crystal clear picture is taken from mybakuteh IPad 3!!!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Leaving Home for Home

Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend is going back to Singapore tonight. It is a strange feeling - leaving home for home. Perth has become home for the indianboyfriend already after staying here for the longest period ever!
Well when he returns, he have to say "I'm home from home"!
Anyway this is going to be the shortest and busiest trip back with a shopping list for nicknacks as long as his arm!
The Vic Park handyman set to work again and successfully assemble the TV console. The only problem is that the kit came with six nuts short. Had to make a trip to Bunning which has everything you need. And when he returned it was like the TV advert of the housewife who told her husband she bought a jeep. This time, the indianboyfriend told mybakuteh, I bought an electric saw! Watch out the stubborn hedges and and the growing tree in front! The Vic Park gardener is about to get to work!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Swanky Korean Restaurant at Wellington Road

If you want an authentic genuine home cooked Korean dinner, there is a superb one at the end of Wellington road. Yesterday, we had the traditional steamed pork with Kim Chi, eaten after winter when the kim chi is fresh and unfermented. And of course the accompanying side dishes.
The problem is that the restaurant is admitted by invitation only. You must know people to get in!!!! Anyway, it was a wonderful meal!
Ha!Ha! This one is hear no evil.

Hmm.. see no evil
Ha!Ha! Say no evil!


Saturday, March 17, 2012

More Face Time!

Ha!Ha! Final live facetime pics out of the swiss chalet before Kaledoscop3 head to Turin.
All raring to go to the train station for the 5 hour trip to Turin, Italy.
The Vic Park agent went to Simmons Parade to make an inspection and all is well. The Kum kuat are fruiting beside the pool.
The lime next to the garage is flowering.
And there is a giant lime on the other plant
And why is Happy Hannah powering up with more milk?
To handle Pirate if he gets out of hand, of course.
Today is St Patrick's Day.... Ha!Ha! now coming in contact with the Irish.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Quiet Celebration

Lta Ennoying had a quiet Birthday Celebration lasts night.
The sparklers candle being lit up!
Blowing out the candles were not so easy.
But there is always the good wife there to give the support.
All the way to cutting but not to eating! Ha! The thoughtful wife specially made an eggless cake to be able to join in the celebration eating.

And it is also the good wife who spent the whole afternoon whipping out a sumptious dinner. And sumptious is an under statement.
Samshimi lobster!
Ta!Ta! Lobster longevity noodles... Yummy was the verdict from all.
The gravy was fantastic and indeed a most fragance dish. Outdone the Happy Star Noodle house for sure!
And what pressie did the birthday boy get from the indianboyfriend and mybakuteh? A wrongly printed tee with the "Happy Birthday" ironed on in reverse!
And throughout all this excitement, dear Hannah was in dreamland!
May the Lord bless Lta Ennoying richly  in the days ahead!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Ha!Ha! Today is Lta Ennoying's Birthday! A great Father and wonderful Son! And here is dear Chubbers excited all about it!
And with his heart-loved pressie already delivered by his dear wife!
And a collage card made through the good introduction on Kaleodscop3 who is now having their dream holiday in Geneva!
And special greetings all the way from Matterhorn!
Have a super day, Lta Ennoying!