Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Hannah!

Here is happy Hannah who smiled when she first saw the indianboyfriend yesterday. And what nice smooth complexion on her!
The indianboyfriend tried his antics to make sure Hannah smiles for the camera but as always the wrong person smiled.
And it was delicious home cooked laksa for dinner afterwards. The Masterchef was Kin's Mum....and a very generous supply of prawns too!
Roses are blooming beautifully at Langford too!
Back at Success, the Vic Park gardener is busy at work trimming down the back garden hedges. Only the lower sides could be done. Today will be the real challenge to use a ladder and bring down the whole hedge!
And after this will be the tree in the from and then the grass will be due for mowing. Very busy every day, man!
Today is Friday and the weekend! It is a very special Friday because Kaledoscop3 will be back.. possibly dressed in a Burqa!!!! And we heard from Xian that her parents are visiting next week. A good time as the weather is cooling off!

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