Sunday, March 11, 2012

New from Geneva

Ha!Ha! Ren and Lins in the Geneva. Look at the snow behind!
And what is Switzerland without Matter Horn!!! Wonder if they plan to climb it!
Back at Langford dear Hannah has been promoted to Sarge Hannah and is seen doing the Leopard crawl to earn her stripes... err. I mean her bands.
Heard of the phrase to throw the baby out with the water in the bathtub? Well Hannah is now in a precarious position. She has to make sure she is not chucked into the washer together with the laundry!
My Kitchen Rules! Whoever is in charge of the kitchen, rules. And the Ruler must have a high throne! Ha!Ha!

One of the most fascinating part of the garden left by the previous owner is that new plants pop up here and there. Here is an expected bloom of yellow lilty out of nowhere. Sadly it lasted for one a day or two before wilting.
Reminds of the saying of Jesus on the lilies of the fields... how they bloom and now they die quickly. Today is Sunday. An easy day for all!

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