Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pressies from Dubai!

Ha!Ha! Got this pressie from Kaledoscop3 from Dubai. Can anyone figure out what this is? Ha!ha! It's an akura.
Can't wait to wear it for the next party!
And look at what mybakuteh got! A middle east Mastroka. Open it up and what do you see next?
Ha!Ha! And there is a baby Arab at the end. Mybakuteh says she thinks of Gayle when she saw this.
We attended church with Kaledoscop3 and Lin yesterday and were told one of the pastors  is going to southern Sudan for mission work. The place is so remote that getting daily food would be a problem. But we know the Lord's hand will be on him and his family.
Today is Sunday and it is slow and easy for us.

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