Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Melaka on sale

Wah you can practically buy anything in Melaka. Got my double USB connector! Also went to see Hunger Games. Alamat! Senior concession only $6 ringgit. Then when time to go in they say they will not run the show if there was only one person! Remembered when the ticket was bought, all the seats were empty. Then luckily they checked and found there were 10 persons. But the book is better. Only good thing is you can visualise the characters. This morning went to eat authentic roti prata and teh kosong ( Malaysia like Thailand - sugar free one). Was shocked by the 3 ringgit bill! By the way the magnum the indianboyfriend had last night was 4 ringgit!
Got more pics from Kaledoscop3 and Lins. Both having a Wale of time in Wales.
Of course no shopping is complete without something for dear Hannah. Bought an Easter Kai Kai dress for her and also a sleeping one.
And talking about sharpeners,
Saw a cute one at the discount store.
Who would go to Melaka and buy a changkol? The Indianboyfriend of course. And a mini changkol for sure. Look at the incredible price tag! This is to plant the indianboyfriend's orange tree and mybakuteh's banana tree. Wonder if it will pass the Singapore custom? Here comes the Hatchet Man
Busy day today. Have to do the laundry late tonight! Looks like for Words with friends it will be a one-one draw. Hmm playing draw something with June Kong now.
Ha!ha! Princess won partly because of her earned TV popularity. We are sure to see those large eyes rolling pretty soon! ( to see full pic, you need to click on image )

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