Friday, March 9, 2012

Wonderful Family Meal

Ha!Ha! The feast last night all lined up for the family members to turn up. It was for Ren who just came back from Dubai. Hmm.. like a medieval scene in the Game of Thrones!

Here is the food and here is the table. Open the door and here are the people! We were delighted to have Ah Kim ( Xian's Mum) and Kin's Mum with us!
There is a little story of Lta Ennoying sitting on the high back office chair!

And the highlight of the evening was the dessert brought by Xian - coffee flavoured cup cakes. It was a hit and some bought liked them so much that she took three home. Luckily she did or Xian would have no pics of the individual cakes! But what lines below is the big surprise!
Ta!Ta! A bigger cup cake!
Yummy... had it for brekky this morning!
And it was Happy Hannah afternoon. Chubbers was playing by herself and in her best disposition for sure...
Try to communicate and articulate most of the time...
Look at those big enchanting eyes!
It was smiles all through out!
Guess this is the last smile. There were some screamings before she slept but when she did it was really sound sleep.
Today is Friday. Hmm lots of assembly work to be done!

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