Friday, March 16, 2012

Quiet Celebration

Lta Ennoying had a quiet Birthday Celebration lasts night.
The sparklers candle being lit up!
Blowing out the candles were not so easy.
But there is always the good wife there to give the support.
All the way to cutting but not to eating! Ha! The thoughtful wife specially made an eggless cake to be able to join in the celebration eating.

And it is also the good wife who spent the whole afternoon whipping out a sumptious dinner. And sumptious is an under statement.
Samshimi lobster!
Ta!Ta! Lobster longevity noodles... Yummy was the verdict from all.
The gravy was fantastic and indeed a most fragance dish. Outdone the Happy Star Noodle house for sure!
And what pressie did the birthday boy get from the indianboyfriend and mybakuteh? A wrongly printed tee with the "Happy Birthday" ironed on in reverse!
And throughout all this excitement, dear Hannah was in dreamland!
May the Lord bless Lta Ennoying richly  in the days ahead!

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