Monday, March 26, 2012

Mystery Solved

Sarge Wen's stamp found! It was left lying in the red luggage bag! It suddenly dawned on Lee that the stamp was not put on the table but lumped into the bag and brought to Yishun. Well all's well is not well. The indianboyfriend started packing the things and found it was just 15 kg. The baskets have to be hand carried and also the coffee packs! And the bad news is that while weighing the bag with the hand held weighing machine, the equipment broke and the measuring needle fell out of position. Unsalvagable for sure. See if can buy one in Melaka!
Super Sleuth or Absent Minded Sleuth had dinner with the indianboyfriend. The indianboyfriend asked if she wanted KFC and she said "Augh!"
Ni shuo qi kuai bu qi kuai... some people have craving recently and drove all the way to North Lake to buy KFC for dinner!!!
Dear Hannah has her first swimming lesson! Hmm.. need a cap to protect the fast growing hair! The indianboyfriend better go and see his banker to build a pool in the backyard. Ha!Ha! Then it will be the first play school with a swimming pool!More pics -
front crawl
Back stroke

Wall stroke!
Today is the judgement Day - wish the indianboyfriend the very best!

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