Saturday, April 30, 2011

More Pics from Korea!

Ha!Ha! Sarge Wen is up and about after two days of sickness and diaharroe! So both of them have resumed their shopping spree.
The authentic Bibimap of course!
Hmm to get to all these delicious food, you need to take the subway which is 100 Korea! The subway leads to Lotto World ( quick, quick buy system 7)
where you can see the skating ring of Staircase to Heaven!
Back in Singapore, the only two opposition MPs are leaving their liar to venture into GRC. The question is are they Tigers or Rabbits? Pretty dangerous for rabbits to leave their liars! We may just end up with only Nominated MPs if this is their strategy. One opposition said the living standard in Malaysia and Russia is better than Singapore... Ha!Ha! wonder if he would like to live in Russia with the mafia running all over! Or over in JB and run the risk of being kidnapped! Cost of living will rise and the best way to tackle it is to invest in education, work hard, have a prudent lifestyle to adapt to it! Govt subsidies are just a bonus! Better not talk too much of politics or the small readership may shrink further!
At dong ching Beatty Ave, mybakuteh has agreed to allow Justin to go on to the sofa... is this too far? So at night we spread a towel over in case he drool.
Do you know what happened last night? Ah Pek came to survey the sofa where the indianboyfriend was lying watching TV many times. Then when the TV was shut down, and the towel spread over, he qickly jumped on to the sofa with no guilt or remorse.. beh kek ki one.
And in a minute or two, he dozed off...

Yep the days are getting colder and Ah Pek needs a warm bed... And the indianboyfriend's feet are tingling cold at night. So operation K Mart brought a pair of warm slippers!
Weekend is here so have a great time and remember to go to Church!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Remember Engelbert Humperdick's song Winter Wonderland? My Love, the Days are getting colder... and so are the morning and evening doggie walks. Justin may need a jersey as he nows poo very fast and comes back. Ha!Ha! Understand he has a walking jacket at Langford! And Winter wonderland is also reflective of the amount of fur mybakuteh sweeps up everyday!
Justin caught again on the sofa sleeping last night. But mybakuteh who has a mild attack of diarharoe, say him so snuggly tuck in that she dong ching the dog and allowed him to carry on in the autumnn cold.  And that was not all, the next morning there wer drool stains... wonder what he was dreaming comfortably the last night.. a raid into a curry puff shop????
The Rain is here and it rains almost every day now! And the winds are picking up making it cold in the evenings. The indianboyfriend has changed his jogging routine to 5 pm now as it is too dark and too cold at 6 pm.
Today is shopping day.. need to buy more dog food, poo bags among other things. Going to get winter indoor slippers too as the indianboyfriend is feeling cold feet now!
Today is Friday! Not only weekend but it's the Wedding of the Century... it is significant Kate, like Diana refuse to say "obey" in the wedding vow.  How can man, surely must obey the Monarch!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Guess this Riddle

Ha!Ha! Mybakuteh made 10 curry puffs. She gave 4 to Ren and ate two with the indianboyfriend. How many are there left? Answer: Zero! The picture below is a critical clue.
Answer: Criminal Minds... While we were away, Ah Pek jumped up the kitchen table top and grabbed the curry puff box. He ate the four puffs and took care not to leave any forensic evidence. Not a single piece of crumbs were found. Only the opened box.
And when all was forgiven and forgotten, Criminal minds were at work again. This time he was caught by Dr Justin who returned back to late at night. In the cold of the night, Criminal Mind Ah Pek went up to the couch to sleep. This time there is clear forensic evidence,

Look. The pillow has been misplaced. Then the true forensic evidence - winter wonderland hair bits..

And look at Justin! Bo hew, leh... Like nothing has happened.

Well the day ended well. It was a cold evening and we had delicious wonderful sichuan sweet sour soup!.
Well the only set back is Dr Justin lost his Supper and the indianboyfriend and mybakuteh their breakfast!
Have a great day!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Make Over for Ah Pek

Ha!Ha! This is the before "grey" Ah Pek when Lta Ennoying brought him over yesterday. He was a little confused at the beginning and wanted to follow him back. Then Miss Hydro Wash came!

Look at the Doggy trailer - that is the way to attract attention for sure!
That's Ah Pek in the hydro bath. We were so proud of him as he REFUSED the treats that the lady gave her. Of course eventually the smell made him cave in!

Ta!Ta! Here is Mr Snow White! And for the whole day he adjusted to his old routine. He even hid under the table when we scolded him for going up the couch. No news from Sarge Wen - probably too busy in his eating spree. Ha! Ha! Looks like has adopted the two kittens found mysteriously in her garage!
Now for more food.   First roti prata for breakfast - all because of the wonderful curry mybakuteh cooked.
Better blog the Best Roti Prata or Canai in Perth so some food searcher may land upp here as in the Fish Head curry at COMO!
And with curry there is also curry puff - nothing is wasted here! Also better blog best Chinese curry puff in Perth to mislead the surfers!
And what better way to end the day than a wonderful invite from Kaledoscop3 for a western meal!

Delicous stir-fried prawns... juciy juicy juicy.
Pan fried Salmon.. as the MKR French Judge says, "Congrazions! The skin was perfectly fried to a crispy touch and the meat was not overcooked. It melts in your mouth but sauce.. there's not enought sauce to bring up the flavour of the fish. I will give you an 8 out of 10. You don't  have to go home because you are home already!

Ha!Ha! It is back to  happy BA... loon days again!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

As Happy as KimChi

Happiness is eating Korean Korean food in Korea. And there are more happy people.

Ha!Ha! Delicous home cooked and outside food. But nothing can beat this BBQ.
And to top it all, this irresistible dish:

And to top it up there are things you would probably gobble heartily.
And not all food is easily accesible. Yes there is queue like Singapore for good noodles!

Looks like a nice dry morning at Barracks jetty on Wednesday. But wait!
What happened after 25 mins?

It's swanjet boat ride that churns your tummy inside out.

Now for the real video to show what happened!
Well after the salty taste of swan water and churning tummy, it was time for some chow. And we ate up almost everything at the Vietnamese restaurant in William Street. Thanks to water proof cameras!!!

Thinking of going again to get your adrenalin pumped up again. Look out for Scooporn's heavily discounted at 19 bucks!!!
Today is the Day! Ah Pek is coming back to his retirement home!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Ha!Ha! Back to Perth for Easter! Yummy yummy..chocs to munch later. Surprisingly Tiger flew on time and arrived on time. It was also an empty flight and the indianboyfriend has an empty row! But the dinner is yaks!!! They keep reminding not to consume outside food for the "benefit of the other passengers" (?????). How can you forbid it when you are serving trash onboard.. opps just ate trash last night!
Got pics from Korea from Sarge but can only post tomolo as he forgot the attachements. Told that Veronica got hit again one day after repair. The young student tried to flee the scene at Northbridge but her friend who investigated told her that a kind person put a note spelling out her car number as the hit and run. This made her frightened and she went back to the scene of crime and put a confession note with a phone number. It's like the Singapore election. You need people with integrity!
Ha!Ha! Got a tour of the Garden of mystery.

Look at the remains of the Portebella mushroom which grew secretly in one corner. Mybakuteh threw some remanants some time ago and did not know it sprouted. The pitiful thing was she broke it accidentally while raking the ground with milch! And next to the Portebella is the prettiest Alvo rela.
These are secrets even Sarge Wen missed out while snapping pics of his own garden!
Look at his unposted Video of the home going of Justin. Note that he thought his place was in the house!
Today is the hair raising  jetride on the swan river with Kaledoscop3! Look out for pics soon! Enjoy the Easter! Praise Lord, Jesus has risen to give us live eternal!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Downgrade, downgrade, downgrade!

Ha!Ha! Downgrade phone plan but got handphone upgraded! Went to Singtel and asked for downgrade and found was on the lowest plan. Then changed roaming to as use basis instead of flat charge. The plan was up for renewal and signed on for two years at $20 per month. And got a Nokia C5. Like the X3 but this one totally touch screen. You turn the phone horizontally and pictures turned!!! Ha!Ha! The pics on the screen can be rolled with the finger.. More pics to come for sure!
Local news. There is scary report of Indonesian terrorist wanted to bomb a church in Indonesia and then screen the Video! Health Minister was criticised for mixing religion with politics and he cleverly replied with a smile, If I am a Buddhist what is wrong with telling people that my religion teaches me that dumping parents in JB homes is a sin?
Today is back home ( note Home is now synomous with Perth). Hope Tiger Air will not delay again. But got to do a few things - go swimming, then church, then change Ringgit, deposit cheque for TV refund ( Thank you Garmen) and then buy a $5 durian and eat! Ha!Ha! Then ta Ba!!Hope I will not miss the flight again as Tiger will not compenate.
And tomorrow, it's Uncle B weekly visit! Opps its Swan River Jet cruise!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Terminal 3

Wah! First time coming back on Terminal 3.  Really expansive. Look at the immigration area... can be a disaster relief centre! Best part they put the Singapore automated check out nearer the escalator! The experience was accidential. Last evening at KL the indianboyfriend missed his Flight. When he arrived half an hour before closing, he could not be checked in! This was because he took the KL ia Train and thought it was 28 mins only and overlooked the KL traffic and waiting time. But got put on the next flight at no cost - got papers to read some more. Lucky fly SQ. Maybe should start flying commercial to Perth!
And more pics of the blooming Beatty garden from Sarge Wen who is now enjoying Kimchi in Korea.
As Sarge Wen wrote - Limey limey lime. Or should be timely timely lime!

Glory in the Morning!

Smell these blooms and enjoy your Easter holidays!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fai Chai Liao!

Ha!Ha! Good Luck has come to Beatty Avenue with the blossoming of the Alvereo plant. ( Good time to buy Lotto!).
Easter is round the corner and Sarge Wen is off to Korea. Ha!Ha! Got word from Kaldeoscop3 we are booked for the jet ride at Barraks Street Jetty on Monday. It will be a great arising for sure!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Heart Attack for Ah Pek

Ha!Ha! This is the ballon fair in the mall next to the company. Imagine Justin being here and you ask, Justin where is your Ba..... He will not only tilt his head but swirl it round and round!.
Parliament is dissolved yesterday and Election is on Sat 7 May. This means the indianboyfriend family will not be voting this time around. The garmen is quite cautious over the WP's candidate lawyer Dr Chen who topped the A level then in Singapore and has degrees from Havard and Sandford. Just read the WA education Minister Liz Constable is not seeking re-election after 20 years in service at 67, it is interesting to note old Chiam is still ploughing on at 76 just as an MP!!!!
The koala souvenirs were a hit. The attendees starting wearing them. Look at this trainer putting one on her blouse while presenting. Hmm. wonder what should be next for the next trip!
Another quiet dinner last night. Decided to ta bau inside and got this bento from the Japanese restaurant next to the company...The variety was okay but

Finally kindness is never forgotten. While I was having lunch yesterday, a female GEstaff walked up to me and say, can I take a picture with her? I was a little stunt as I did not recognise the lady. She then said in 2003 when she went to Singapore for familiarization, as Depart Head, I invited her to the dpeartment's bowling night and treated her very well. I really cannot recall the event but Kindness is never forgotten.Enjoy the day  for Sure!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

All quiet in the KL Front

Ha!Ha! Room service in hotel. Quiet night in KL. The bone aches descended on the indianboyfriend and he has become lerthagic... Think a flu may be coming on. So slept the earliest last night at 8.30 pm. If you can sleep, then it has to be a hidden flu.
In Singapore, Ah Pek opposition, Ah Chiam has been certified fit to stand for election.. no dementia detected.  Ah yah 76 years old still don't know how to retire!
If the indianboyfriend has pull off today's work, he should be back to normal. Today is Tuesday, Enjoy!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Palm Sunday

Went ot church last Sunday and was given a palm to bring into the auditrium. The aim is to wave it collectively and shout "Hosana in the highest" and to bring it back for Good Friday Service. Anyway stuck it in a bottle of water a home.
Never had the indianboyfriend been to kek Ki thanked for bring back four boxes of oats. Got a thank you from San, a thank you from Henry and not only a thank you but a box of cookies from Wau Ping... Tai Quo fen liao!! Ha!Ha! 

One last splurge before take off at the airport. Something you will never get in Perth for sure. Kueh Soshi???? Come to think about it, it does takes a little like the sweet dumpling. But liao liu yesterday - bought the Straits Times when SQ gave out free papers!!!
It's Monday and we all have to cho kan together! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Home Again!

Ha!Ha! Am eating the Pee Mok for Lta Ennoying. This is the famous large flat fishcake stall in Chong Pang and uses IT to process orders.
Garmen sending letters to tell us they are giving more money to us! Seems the election may be on 7 May.
An acre of Diamonds deja vu! Went all over Perth to look for a Bell ringer and lo and behold it is selling at the multi-goods stall below the flat! This one has 32 tunes to choose from. Wonder if it has Wi Fi too!!!
So the E-reader has arrived after the indianboyfriend has left. Be sure there is no catch at all. Look what is published on the front page of Straits Times today!
Norwegian Wood to be made into a Movie! And the article on the books.
Bet you Sarge Wen has a larger collection at Beatty Avenue...
You have seen the Mount Taranaki and now the Tasman Sea.

Beautiful sunset ( or sunrise) at the New Zealand coast. Kaledoscop3 would be back now and probably at Spud Shed buying the 10 kg union bag!!!
Have a great Day!