Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Steamed Baramundi!

Ha!Ha! Fish for dinner at cozy Vic Park last night. And cooked Thai teo chew style with the sour plum sauce.  And it's visitors galore for Justin. Lat evening Lta Ennoying turned up and caused some excitement for him. But the dog did not whine this time when he left... probably beginning to treat Vic Park as home... but only for another 10 days or so before it is back to Langford.

Another early morning visitor for Justin. Mybakuteh says a visitor's book may be needed especially even Doc Justin's good friends Moses and wife came to see old Pharoah!

This is the little know Jarrah honey. It is one fifth the price of Mamakum honey from NZ but just as good if not better. It has antibacteria contents to help fight sore throat. The nectar is collected from the Jarrah Tree which does not flower the year round and with the deforestation process these trees are harder and harder to find. The price is about twice of normal honey.. Ha!Ha! Got them from Wollies!!!

To keep you in the picture on what happens at the morning walks, here is a video from the new crazyjohn phone.
Ha!Ha! This morning he was trained with treats when he spotted another dog. Managed to get him in sit position so he is not so violent.
And this is the straight to punggol route the dog takes every morning. Today is Wednesday and it is already mid week. There is a Milo sale at Wollies and we have to check it out. Halt Chor swears that Aussie Milo tastes better.
It will be an easy week for the overworked Sarge Wen ( went back to work last Sunday) and he has training for the rest of the week. Well deserved break!

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