Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Heart Attack for Ah Pek

Ha!Ha! This is the ballon fair in the mall next to the company. Imagine Justin being here and you ask, Justin where is your Ba..... He will not only tilt his head but swirl it round and round!.
Parliament is dissolved yesterday and Election is on Sat 7 May. This means the indianboyfriend family will not be voting this time around. The garmen is quite cautious over the WP's candidate lawyer Dr Chen who topped the A level then in Singapore and has degrees from Havard and Sandford. Just read the WA education Minister Liz Constable is not seeking re-election after 20 years in service at 67, it is interesting to note old Chiam is still ploughing on at 76 just as an MP!!!!
The koala souvenirs were a hit. The attendees starting wearing them. Look at this trainer putting one on her blouse while presenting. Hmm. wonder what should be next for the next trip!
Another quiet dinner last night. Decided to ta bau inside and got this bento from the Japanese restaurant next to the company...The variety was okay but

Finally kindness is never forgotten. While I was having lunch yesterday, a female GEstaff walked up to me and say, can I take a picture with her? I was a little stunt as I did not recognise the lady. She then said in 2003 when she went to Singapore for familiarization, as Depart Head, I invited her to the dpeartment's bowling night and treated her very well. I really cannot recall the event but Kindness is never forgotten.Enjoy the day  for Sure!

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