Sunday, April 10, 2011

Khong Wen, CA!

Congrats to Sarge Wen for achieving the full CA qualifications. Guess the hard work pays off. Lta Ennoying was asking at the crab dinner what was the occasion? A windfall from Uncle B or a Lotto strike? Nothing of that sort. It was just a pre-celebration for the imminent announcement of CA attainment!
Well this calls for another round of celebration!!!
Award must also go to Sarge Wen not only killing the virus in the indianboyfriend's PC ( to resume the blogging) but for reconnecting the internet. Hmm quite IT savvy I must say!!!!
Have you seen the rain? If not click above. Ha!Ha! Guess the cool autumn has suddenly put an end to the endless hot summer. And things are happening at Beatty Ave for the Ah Pek dog.
We have continued his food to Dr Harry and he seems to like it. Also we got a personalized bowl for him. Hmm quite a bit of effort... detailed painting and baking in oven to fire it.

Ta!Ta! Juztin to differentiate from Dr Justin. And look at the reverse side - ba... loons..

And a new diet for Ah Pek...

Ha!Ha! And the first feeding was by Dr Justin. Talking about shifting loyalty. After Dr Justin took Ah Pek for a walk and fed him with the new diet, he has been lying outside his room for the whole evening!
Today is Sunday and the latest news is Kaledoscop3 is heading for New Zealand today for work. The trip is arduous - Leave at 7 pm and arrive at 10 am the next day.. Heng ah heng ah flying a commercial flight!
Back at Beatty there is a sudden departure. The Blending machine from Singapore gave up the ghost despite a rewiring attempt.
Have a great Sunday!

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