Monday, April 4, 2011

Best Kuay Chiap in Perth

If Como has the best roast duck and curry fish head, Vic Park has the best Kuay Chiap. That was what we had for dinner Sunday Night. The Kuay was authentic and the chay buay was good although mybakuteh commended Sarge Wen for spotting it was the wrong vegetable type. There were no entrails to make it perfect. But almost perfect it was as Sarge Wen ate 3 bowls of Kway!!!
And perfecgt soft boil eggs for brekky this morning. But in his excitement, the indianboyfriend put in too much black sauce.
Today is Monday and the start of another great week. The indianboyfriend is half way reading the the life of Henrietta Lacks, the forgotten negro whose remarkable cells have helped Medical Science until today. Her HeLa cells are still alive and multiplying for research despite her being dead for 30 over years!!! A most gripping novel and another winning selection by Sarge Wen. Until now Doc Justin still refuses to tell us what was the name of the book delivered to him by Book Depository last week!
Have a great Day!

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