Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Ha!Ha! Back to Perth for Easter! Yummy yummy..chocs to munch later. Surprisingly Tiger flew on time and arrived on time. It was also an empty flight and the indianboyfriend has an empty row! But the dinner is yaks!!! They keep reminding not to consume outside food for the "benefit of the other passengers" (?????). How can you forbid it when you are serving trash onboard.. opps just ate trash last night!
Got pics from Korea from Sarge but can only post tomolo as he forgot the attachements. Told that Veronica got hit again one day after repair. The young student tried to flee the scene at Northbridge but her friend who investigated told her that a kind person put a note spelling out her car number as the hit and run. This made her frightened and she went back to the scene of crime and put a confession note with a phone number. It's like the Singapore election. You need people with integrity!
Ha!Ha! Got a tour of the Garden of mystery.

Look at the remains of the Portebella mushroom which grew secretly in one corner. Mybakuteh threw some remanants some time ago and did not know it sprouted. The pitiful thing was she broke it accidentally while raking the ground with milch! And next to the Portebella is the prettiest Alvo rela.
These are secrets even Sarge Wen missed out while snapping pics of his own garden!
Look at his unposted Video of the home going of Justin. Note that he thought his place was in the house!
Today is the hair raising  jetride on the swan river with Kaledoscop3! Look out for pics soon! Enjoy the Easter! Praise Lord, Jesus has risen to give us live eternal!

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