Sunday, April 3, 2011

Two Legs good, Four legs better!

Ha!Ha! Justin has also a few tricks up his sleeve. Look at his human stand in the video above.  His obedience is shown again last evening.
Had a nice dinner at the Nyonya Restaurant at Vic Park. Ordered the same famous dish with the assam fish being the tops! When we were enjoying the dinner, Justin was starving at home. But even when we got back at 8 pm, he was well behaved... no upset utensils and no poo or pee. But when he was taken for the walk, he moved unusually fast... think the poo was coming out pretty soon.
Now for the ultimate test. Kaledoscop3 went for teeth whitening yesterday. We have two pictures - one pre and the second post. From the face to face observation, there is a marked difference. Check it out!

Ha!Ha! What is your verdict. The next candidate is mybakuteh! Another great deed done at Beatty Ave was the fixing of the basin tap.
The tap was dropping badly and had to be fixed. We figure out the hourly rate for a plumber is higher than that of an accountant, so we assign Sarge Wen to do it on an off day. And it went like a song. Job well done. Guess his experience from the last change has helped! He may consider a career switch!!!
Today is Sunday and have a great rest day... Hmm.. does not apply to Justin as he rest every day.

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