Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Postcards from New Zealand

Ha!Ha! Kaledoscop3 have settled in at Plymouth. She has even surveyed the supermarkets there for good buys. Bananas are $2 per kg only - not they are not grown there - imported from the Philippines.
Not these.. they are banana nino...

Ha! Internal flight from Auckland to Plymouth ( in SW North Island).. like budget airline... walk to plane and pick up your own luguage!
New Zealand apples... cheaper than Australia...

View from the motel.. a paranomic view of Plymouth... We are promised a shot of the famous Taranaki Mountains soon.
Meanwhile in Perth still no sign of rain. The news reported extensively on the boy who was stuck in the mud literally and gave  couple of lines on the second 7.1 Ritcher scale quake in Japan. Back in Singapore election fever is heating up but still no date. If it falls in May, the indianboyfriend and myabkuteh may just be able to vote...
Two Days to go for home going for Justin....Have a great Day!

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