Thursday, April 7, 2011

Have you Seen the Rain?

It's here at last - Autumn Rains. See the wet pavement during this morning's walk as evidence. There should more rain today!!!

Yesterday was hot cross bun day and it was a nice glazed spread for sure. Nothing beats eating them hot from the oven. And there was Lta Ennoying who appreciates the buns with an evening visit!
Caused Justin some excitement when he came - the tail starts wagging non-stop. It truly an evening of surprise visits with fears by mybakuteh that the food may not have enough meat dishes for the people.
There is something special though at the table... not water cress but water kim-chi!

So you thought kim chi is only dry and spicy... this one tastes soupy...

Surprise Desert from Sian. Everyone said it was a lot of effot but she just smiled and said she did not bake it! Who says there was not enough food.   Also heard the news that while everyone is working hard to their bones, someone is ski-ing on the Alps if France!!!!!
Hmm... spent some time adjusting the crazyjohn phone and now it has four respective  favourites on the screen. And is if not to be kiashu also program these into speed dialing!!!

Problem is when the phone rings, will not know if it is Justin or Kaledoscop3 calling!!!!Pretty cool phone... links you straight to Facebook but again as Henry Kong says what so exciting when you have only 13 friends!!!
Bring your brolly out in case!

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