Monday, January 31, 2011

Best Hawker Centre in Malaysia

The Gurney Drive Hawker Centre is unbelievable. The food is tasty and inexpensive and there are plenty of seats. In fact mybakuteh had all the food planned even before we hit the place. The hot favourites were the cuttlefish morning glory ( jew who en chai), the dried cuttlefish with hey kau, the oh jian ( egg oyster), the char kuey tiao and of course the chen dol.

 It was eat until you cannot move situation. The Chendol and sugar cane juice.

Heavenly char kuay teo and dried cuttle fish.

Satay and oyster egg added!

A view of the Hawker Centre and what will happen to you if you frequent the place.
 And after a hearty meal, what was better than walking it off in the Gurney Plaza next door.

Here is another video of the Bali Hai seafood fish tank we saw the previous night. Tomorrow we will post the cheapest Seoul Garden in Asia. $10 SIN for all you can eat lunch buffet! Back in Singapore, it has been raining continously non-stop for two days. Ang Mo Kio Ave 5 is now flooded. Read that Brisbane is braced for another round of cyclone. Tonight is the Rabbit Year Reunion night at Lee's house! Xin Nian Kuai Leh! Wan shi ru yi!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ping Cheng Here we Come

Ha!Ha! This is the Executive lounge at G hotel in Penang. When we were told we were upgraded to the executive floor, we went to enjoy the executive lounge facilities ... surf the net, take a drink, and admire the splendid horizon view. But alas this was short lived as we were told were were upgraded on the room only without the lounge facilities. Anyway, we drank our orange juice and beer!

The most exciting part of the Penang visit was the purchase of the Ghee Hiang Coffee.

 When we heard the shop was not too far from the hotel, Lins and Kaledoscop3 decided to grab the hotel bike and cycle there.
But it was not so near or the route so simple. Kaledoscop3 has to stopped several times to ask instructions from very friendly Penangnites. One of them even offer to drive them there but there was no place for the bikes. One chap said Ghee Hiang coffee is not so good now. In fact when we asked the taxi driver to the airport at the end of the trip, the uncle said Ghee Hiang does not sell coffee, only biscuits! Anyway to allay Sarge Wen's fears, mybakuteh bought another local brand for comparison.
While Pemang is not known for good sea food, the display of live fish at the restaurant near the hotel is awesome.

The shop Bali Hai is a short walk from the Hotel. We passed a similar sea food shop with fish in the tanks but we were afraid to eat there as the shop was empty of customers. This one is teeming with people. Take a look at the fish on display

What is most interesting was the giant geo ducts on display. Wonder how you are going to devour them.

Everyone was ordering lobster and the sashimi works and the prices are not exactly cheap!!!

This is the unique taste of Penang. It is a buah klong klong drink. Exceptional!

And what do you do after a hearty meal and you cannot get back to hotel because it was raining. Why just pop in next door for an hour of footie! The masseurs are all PRC nationals. By the time we were finished,
Kaledoscop3 had gone back to the hotel and brought umbrellas for us. But then the rain stopped!
Stick around and we will post the dinner feast we had at the famous Gurney Drive Hawker Centre which is a stone throw from the hotel. If you get to Penang, the hotel to stay is G Hotel. Their toiletries are branded
and they even have a lounge called the G Spot - this one is quite easy to locate!
Tomorrow night is the Rabbit Reunion Dinner at Lee's Place! Ha!Ha! Papers say the sales of bunnies have rise slightly.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Kuay Png

Ha!Ha! The authentic Singapore Chicken Rice... And only $3/- versus the $6.70 Happy Meals! Mybakuteh says she can eat Kuay Png every day although the indianboyfriend don't think he can.
It was back to Office yesterday afternoon to keep up with the gossip. Kaledoscop3 has her diary filled with lunch appointments. Had been swimming everyday... pretty neat since no need to walk so far to the Aqua Centre and pay 10 times the entry fee.
Kaledoscop3 is off to Langkawi this morning and tonight is international mountain climbing for the indianboyfriend and myabkuteh. Ha!Ha! No blogging until 30 Jan!
Weekend is here and Enjoy or Take a good rest!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chong Pang -able?

Ha!Ha! Night in Perth and this morning in Singapore. And the other hangbag revealed. The acid test is "Is it Chong Pangable.. ie will Kaledoscop3 bee seen carrying it to Chong Pang or more than that carry it inside the Yishun lift like this.
Ha!Ha! Bags aside, it is brekky at Chong Pang without the bag.
And here is a close up of the foodies:

Kway Chap of course... and then

Chai Quay Tiao... mm.. the sweet type. The other dishes are the Pontian famous noodles and duck noodles.
Well the Malaysian Holidays are about to begin with Kaledoscop3 flying off tomorrow morning.
Local news .. Garmen building a N-S expressway and will acquire land. Part of the fencing area of Castle Green will be affected. Ha!Ha! Heart attack knows no age boundary as there is a tragic report of a teenage sports girl in Australia having a heart attack.
The other very shocking and sad news is that Pastor Graham of the Subi Church has gone back to be with the Lord as he lost his fight with Cancer. We just heard his brother preach the other week and said he was improving. But it is the Good Lord that giveth and taketh away.
Today is Thursday and have a great day.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just like in Perth

Ha!Ha! Breakfast at home... Ya Koon style with soft boiled eggs and sandwiches. Guess Perth habits die hard! Perth news.. read the story about the boy who had a snake crawled into his bed at night and bit him three times! Wow.. need to be careful of snakes and spiders over there. In Singapore, garmen alarmed at the low birth rate and wants to increase immigration to replenish the population....Yet the number of PRs issues were half of previous year...
The indianboyfriend went swimming yesterday and what do you know. There was only one other person in the Olympic size pool as it is not weekends! Even the canteen caterer was closed as there was no csustainable clients. Back in Yishun it is day after day of cleaning as mybakuteh gleefully found the cockies' nest and use the Mortein to annihilate them. Funny thing, when the indianbyfriend turned on the Tele at 5.30 pm, he thought he would see Deal or No Deal. But no deal.. it's Singapore mandarin programs...and the worst is the 9 pm Channel 8 story... The script writer ought to be shot at dawn! No more CSI I guess and strange foreign films. But the weather is fine.
Today is Wednesday and have another great day!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ta Mee Pok Singapore Style

Ha!Ha! One day in East Vic Park the next morning in Chong Pang eating ta mee pok! Look at the black piece of good in the bowl. Believe it or not, it is Tiee Ka!!! Well after a 80 cts cup of coffee, it is to the famous hair dresser of Chong Pang - the cheapest in town... $5/- per cut...
Mr Teo's youngest brother visited Mybakuteh today as she got a division four win. Not much but it is a motivation for sure. And now something to blow your ming.
A 5 kg tuna almost as big as Kaledoscop3.  Her master colleager fishermen got heaps of it off rotness island on Sunday... Heaps... literally. And it takes an iron chef to splice up the fish, a portion of which mush be sashimi! And we were told the master Fisher caught it in a 2 kg line!
Talking about Masters, Sarge Wen has become a master Negotiator lately. Tutored by the unbeatable Ah Lex, he learnt quickly and went to negotiate the deal of the year! Very impressive considering the options
and being able to read the the other party's position to appropiate an offer!
Today is Tuesday, and pray everyone is in the pink of Health. It's certainly back to Yishun Swimming pool for the indianboyfriend. $.50 per admission only man! Have a great day!

Monday, January 17, 2011

See See La Loh

Ha!Ha! Got some more pressies for Kaledoscop3 Bday! Hmm the smile could beat the Chesire Cat in Alice in Wonderland.
And what is this? A giant blowie? Nope. It't the tank in Circerella last night for the yummy fish and chips.
First the delicious chill mussels with wonderful gravy..

Then the delightful cuttlefish. Lucky it is no longer alive!

Then the fish and chips... excellent fish...luckily brought our home made chilli. Hee.. Hee.

And it beats Colonel Saunders at being finger licking good! Welll today in Monday and it is balek kampong day. The indianboyfriend has been here for one month already and myabkuteh for 3 months. It's back for the Year of the Rabbit celebrations. But we willbe back on the 10 Feb to do another  Rabbit celebration in Perth. Summer has been a little too overbearing in the heat but it was a wonderful time being with the family
with the great eats, trip to south and even Perth TV programs.
Today is Monday but make it a great day for you!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sheng Re Kuai Leh, Kang Ren!

Ha!Ha! It was an early birthday celebration for Kaledoscop3 last night with a very unique Satay Celup dinner in the garden. Here is the celebration video clip:

And of course pressie time. Ha!Ha! Only one pressie and others were not aware of the surprise add-on to the dinner.

And of course there is no birthday celebration without the chocolate cake Sarge Wen bought. But wait! There are two cakes for double celebration. A one layer lemon cake made by Sian and decorated on the spot. And the Iron Cake Maker also did up Kaledoscop3 cake.

Then it was cake cutting. When the R part of the cake was sliced off and distributed, someone said we should keep the remaining half for Lta Ennoying birthday! And now back to the Celup dinner. Many of them have not even eaten the Celop sold in Singapore or Malaysia! Anyway the soup was rich enough and the peanut sauce pretty tasty and savoury.

For the uninitiatied, Satay Celup is having sticks of raw food dipped in satay sauce to cook and then eaten.

Ha! Ha! While around the garden spotted that the apple plants are fruiting but mini apples.

One dessert that mybakuteh was not satisfied with is the tapioca cake but the indianboyfriend has tasted it and found it was okay.
Except for the occasional flies and mossies ( as sworn by mybakuteh), it was a nice cool evening over a nice family meal. Singapore papers reports the Brisbane situation via Singapore students there. Seems when the floods receded, the supermarkets were cleaned out of food, especially mineral water as there were Chinese whispers of contaminated water. A woman was killed in Serpentine Falls while jumping the cliffs into the water. Spent a good part of Saturday understudying the Master Negotiator Ah Lex live in action. Although there is not outcome, believe he has planted the seed pretty firmly.
Today is Sunday and the Lord's Day. Pray for the healing powers of the Lord especially on those who are not well. May the Lord truly bless.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hedge kena bokok!

Ha!Ha! Trim the hedge until it became bokok on the top. Can believe how fast it grew after the last trim in Oct. Hmm.. you guess it... the next bokoking will the be lemon tree...
Well it's Fish head mee fen again last night. And we always love the tofu because it sizzles in the hot pan.. Hmm so we focus on the sizzle, nots the tofu....
The Glow worms did their job wonderfully last night. Found out a way to make them stop glowing during the day. Just talk to them. The yellow ones are easy to talk to: its the striped ones that are difficult. Learned this from Haruki Maukami's Kafka on the Shore!
And we cleaned up the plates. Oh yes, by some wonderful coincidence, we met Denise and was pleased to learn that her hubby was better. You would not believe how much her two daughters have grown. And Grace is now 15! Back in Singapore, LKY's new inaugural new books at $10K each for the Straits Time Pocket Money Fund were sold out. The Floods in QLDS are receding and focus now is on clean up. But bads news, the waters are moving into NSW and Victoria slowly.
Today is Saturday and it is Satay Celop Night at Kaledoscop3! Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Pastime at Beatty Avenue

Ha!Ha! Mybakuteh has found a new hobby now. Previous night we were in the garden and saw some glow worms flying near the lemon bush. We got our bottles and caught a few. Now they are glowing at night in the room. The problem now is to find out what the glow worms eat or they will soon die.
Ha!Ha! Not mobile phone glow too! This is a surprise Nokia phone Sarge Wen got from the Indianboyfriend. And it has a GSP. The indianboyfriend tested it and it located Beatty Avenue fairly quickly. It also has a walk or drive mode. Wonder if it has Singapore maps too! Will sms the new number once we get a SIM card!
In QLDS the floods are beginning to recede slowly but the damage is still horrendous with 15 deaths so far. Back in Singapore looks like election is round the corner as the electoral registers are now opened. Garmen has further tighted property speculation by increasing stamp duty to 16%.
Ha! Friday is new again and the weekend. Tonight is Bateman fish head mee hoon dinner night! One more spicy meal before we head back to Singapore. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Showtime Dinner

Sarge Wen took us out for dinner at an interesting Japanese restaurant in town. Called Idori, or Green, it serves teppenaki with a difference. Here captured live for the first time are the antics of the Head Chef.

First, a lull before the action: a nice plate of sashimi as appertiser. The Head Chef comes and starts the action.

After the initial sizzle is the "toss the fried egg and catch it in your mouth". The Chef does this for everyone round the table and will repeat if anyone is determined to succeed. Sarge Wen was given two attempts but in vain.

The next action is the repeated slicing of the fried egg which is tossed to a shielding plate.

Then comes the fiery flames. The first was on the lobsters.

Now the fire ignites on the beef.

And it was calm happy ending with a sign off by the Chef wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

And that is not all. There is the complimentary green tea ice-cream for all in the comfort of the luxurious
lounge seats.
In Australia, the Brisbane floods remains bad with death toll rising to 12. The River peaked but not as high as anticipated. This is a really heart wenching disaster. Back in Singapore, Garmen reverse its policy not to cut the salary of staff by 10% when they reach 60. Alamak kena play out again. The indianboyfriend had his salary cut. Then now they also say from next Jan, employers must offer any one reaching age 62 , three more years of employment. Alamak.. missed out again. The indianboyfriend remembered mybakuteh was penalised of her medical benefits for having the third child ( Sarge Wen) when the Two is Enough campaign was on. Now they are paying baby bonus and extended benefits! Today is Thursday and time flies.
Remember to take out your garbage bin and plan for Thursday night shopping!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Robots are here!

Ha!Ha! Seeing is believing. These are the same moving robots that can clean your floor especially the hard to reach below the table areas. And they need not be expensive. The big one has vacuum suction and is a little more pricey and if they do not clean too thoroughly, they are certainly great talking points.
More bread at Beatty. There is the monkey bread and now the fruit roll.
Sesame Monkey bread!

Monkey doughnut bread! Ha!Ha!

Fruit Bread.. well it is actually fruit sandwich bread with lots of yummy stuffed inside.
Perth news.. the Brisbane floods are getting no better than death toll is now 10. The worst will be tomorrow. In Singapore, more MRT stations in Tuas soon.
Drove to Malaga to get some panel beating work done. The Owner was a very nice Singapore Chinese who came here 30 years ago. When he saw the big houses at Rivervale selling at $40K, the bought one immediately. Guess he is now laughing to the bank! Spent 5 minutes giving a quote and 20 minutes griping about ERP in Singapore! But very nice man for sure.
 Time flies and today is Wednesday. Enjoy

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bringing Up the Langford Kids

Ha!Ha! This is a rare video of the Langford kids talking their owners for a walk. Look how they dash across the fields. More intriguing is the feeding time. Look at their static position before the "Go" is given.

And this one tells it all. Once the Go is given, the kids go wild and literally gobble down their food.

It was a nice dinner at Langford with the special heated tofu soup. Here is a close up.

The flame was okay but not to hot to boil the soup. It was a dinner with ta bao - not food but a steamer and electronic floor cleaner!
 In Singapore COE is predicted to rise from its present high. Sad news and two women jumped to their death in suicidal attempts at Bishan. Also the O level results are out and ST Nicholas Girl topped. Also reported China students at Crescent Girls who got F9 for English but peserved and got A1 in the O levels! Back in Perth the hot weather will not relent. Flash floods in QLDS has taken 8 lives and the TV shots of the floods are pretty frightening - reminds the indianboyfriend of the tsunami.Bad news too as another forest fire has been started south of Perth by arsonist.
Today is already Tuesday! Enjoy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Loud Kow Lo Ti

That's right... Monkey Bread ( hou zhi bian bao). And do you know why? According the explanation by myabkuteh, you have to pinch the bread away to eat it and the hands will then roll like the action of a monkey! And there is more thanks to the Wonder Mixer.
Flavoursome breakk fresh from the oven. Remove them and this is what you get.

And talking about animals guess what good fortune we had for dinner last night! Sarge Wen bought Good Fortune Duck and char siew/ siew yoke for dinner..

And what better to roll of the evening with Forest Gump... pretty touching movie despite watching it for the second time. Reminds you that good people alway win in the end.
Today is Monday and back to work for all except the Indianboyfriend...hee hee. Time flies and come next Sunday, we will be heading back to Singapore for the Chinese New Year.
Make today count!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Deja Vu

Ha!Ha! Went to Rasa Nyona after Church yesterday and Kaledoscop3 ordered this Tofu goreng. The assam gulai fish tops it all as usual. In the background of the picture you can seed the salted egg chicken which is crisp and tasty.
Garham's brother Don,preached at church on three things that remains - faith, hope and love. Faith brings peace and Hope birngs joy. Love emcompasses all. Singapore news... Singapore no longer No 1 Port in 2010 as Shanghai has overtaken us and become No 1 Container port... maybe due to the world expo. In Perth another case of home invasion where three men took a cleaver and rob a mother and daughter of some cash and a laptop. The Australian princess of Denmark gave birth to a boy-girl twins finally! And the most common Australian Baby name?You guess it -  Jack!
Today is Sunday and the Lord's Day. Have Fun.