Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chong Pang -able?

Ha!Ha! Night in Perth and this morning in Singapore. And the other hangbag revealed. The acid test is "Is it Chong Pangable.. ie will Kaledoscop3 bee seen carrying it to Chong Pang or more than that carry it inside the Yishun lift like this.
Ha!Ha! Bags aside, it is brekky at Chong Pang without the bag.
And here is a close up of the foodies:

Kway Chap of course... and then

Chai Quay Tiao... mm.. the sweet type. The other dishes are the Pontian famous noodles and duck noodles.
Well the Malaysian Holidays are about to begin with Kaledoscop3 flying off tomorrow morning.
Local news .. Garmen building a N-S expressway and will acquire land. Part of the fencing area of Castle Green will be affected. Ha!Ha! Heart attack knows no age boundary as there is a tragic report of a teenage sports girl in Australia having a heart attack.
The other very shocking and sad news is that Pastor Graham of the Subi Church has gone back to be with the Lord as he lost his fight with Cancer. We just heard his brother preach the other week and said he was improving. But it is the Good Lord that giveth and taketh away.
Today is Thursday and have a great day.

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