Thursday, January 13, 2011

Showtime Dinner

Sarge Wen took us out for dinner at an interesting Japanese restaurant in town. Called Idori, or Green, it serves teppenaki with a difference. Here captured live for the first time are the antics of the Head Chef.

First, a lull before the action: a nice plate of sashimi as appertiser. The Head Chef comes and starts the action.

After the initial sizzle is the "toss the fried egg and catch it in your mouth". The Chef does this for everyone round the table and will repeat if anyone is determined to succeed. Sarge Wen was given two attempts but in vain.

The next action is the repeated slicing of the fried egg which is tossed to a shielding plate.

Then comes the fiery flames. The first was on the lobsters.

Now the fire ignites on the beef.

And it was calm happy ending with a sign off by the Chef wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

And that is not all. There is the complimentary green tea ice-cream for all in the comfort of the luxurious
lounge seats.
In Australia, the Brisbane floods remains bad with death toll rising to 12. The River peaked but not as high as anticipated. This is a really heart wenching disaster. Back in Singapore, Garmen reverse its policy not to cut the salary of staff by 10% when they reach 60. Alamak kena play out again. The indianboyfriend had his salary cut. Then now they also say from next Jan, employers must offer any one reaching age 62 , three more years of employment. Alamak.. missed out again. The indianboyfriend remembered mybakuteh was penalised of her medical benefits for having the third child ( Sarge Wen) when the Two is Enough campaign was on. Now they are paying baby bonus and extended benefits! Today is Thursday and time flies.
Remember to take out your garbage bin and plan for Thursday night shopping!

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