Friday, January 7, 2011

Ka Chng Fish

Ha!Ha! Lta Ennoying and Kin joined us for dinner for the steam black arse snapper. Pretty tasty and was all finished  soon.
There was also the sapo chicken which proved to be a hit too.

And that is not all. There was soya bean drink for deserts made by Mr Thermal Mixer aka Lta Ennoying. Looks like the Thermal Mixer may be heading the path of sambal blachan soon!!!
More bread from the Thermal Mixer. These new ones are sweet and fluffy and can be eaten by itself alone!  And what mischief has the indianboyfriend been up to! Well it is intellectual pursuit at the local library!

That's him. Putting on a cap and sunnies ( dare not carry umbrella) under the hot noon sun to walk to the library at the Park.  Strange enough the only ones on the road was the indianboyfriend and mad dogs.

And the library! A good place to cool off and read current magazines. Has also a large collection of DVDs of old favuourite movies and documentary! In Singapore a cab driver was arrested for attemptin to show upskirt video of his pax. Alamak, he took out his camera pen and pointed it at the rear pax - surely get caught one as so obvious.In Perth, the weather was a relief yesterday with the rain. In fact it was pretty chilly early morning.
Tonight is BBQ nite with complimentary steaks from Sian! What better way than to round up the week and as a prelude to the weekend! Enjoy!

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